• Jupiter, or Zeus as the ancient Greeks knew him, was the King of the Olympian gods. He was omniscient, knowing and seeing everything as well as dispensing good and evil not only in the Heavens but also among the mortals on the Earth. Although married to a very jealous spouse (Hera) he managed nevertheless to have many extra-marital affairs with goddesses and mortals alike thus producing an incredible number of children who he always left to be raised by others. So we associate Jupiter with growth, expansion and luck which, if exaggerated, can also lead to greed and dissatisfaction in some [...]

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    due to a technical problem that we're working on but which will take time to repair, no email notifications of new posts are going out to blog subscribers at the moment. Many apologies for this and, in the meanwhile, I hope you visit the site from time and time.

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    July 29, 2015

    August scopes are now posted on the horoscope page of the blog!

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    This Full Moon is the second of the month of July this year. When a Full Moon occurs twice in the same month then the second one is called a “Blue Moon”. It’s a phenomenon that takes place every two or three years, thus the saying “Once in a blue moon” when something happens very rarely. Full Moons are said to bring completion to the matters started on the last New Moon. Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls the Full Moon in Aquarius the “Friendship Moon” and it’s a great time to hang out with friends and spend time with the people you like and possibly [...]

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    July 20, 2015

    A few months ago I started doing something that I’d been meaning to do for a couple of years: keep track of the Moon as it moved through the signs and houses of my natal chart on a daily basis during each month. Although this involves jotting down the movement of the Moon on a daily basis as well as noting the mood or the matters you’re dealing with each day for at least a year in order to get an idea of how the day-to-day Moon placement affects you on a personal level, I’m already seeing a pattern of sorts emerging. I have Mars-Sun tightly conjunct in Gemini which means I’ve a [...]

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    Venus, the planet of values, love, and finances, entered the sign of Leo on the 6th of June this year. Venus usually spends approximately 19 days in each sign but due to its 42-day retrograde period it will actually be in Leo until the 8th of October 2015 (except for a 12-day period from 19th to 31st July when it will be at 0° Virgo). The planet will backtrack from 0°45’ of Virgo to 14°27° of Leo during this period. In Leo, Venus feels courted and pampered (after all Leo is the King and she is the Goddess!), she hates to be ignored and seeks attention, which isn’t difficult for her [...]

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    There will be a New Moon at 23°14’ in the sign of Cancer on the 16th of July. Do you have any planets or angles at or in aspect to that degree? Which house is the New Moon falling in in your chart? According to Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” the New Moon in Cancer is known as the “Mother’s Daughter Moon”. Under this moon we are invited to examine our relationships with our closest, especially bonds that are nurturing as for example the Mother/Daughter connection, with the intention of learning or understanding how we can differentiate this relationship, raise [...]

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    Chiron was discovered in 1977 between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus by C.T. Kowal and since it didn’t fit into the existing categories of celestial bodies at that time it has been re-classified several times and now has two definitions; as a minor planet and as a comet. We now know that it is part of the Centaurs in the Kuiper Belt, a huge zone of celestial matter surrounding our solar system. Chiron in the Greek myth was the son of Kronos (Saturn) and a sea-nymph called Philyra, when he was conceived both parents were in their horse-form and thus Chiron came forth as a Centaur, [...]

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      The July Scopes are now posted on the horoscopes page.

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    The Full Moon on 2nd July in the serious, ambitious sign of Capricorn has the flavour of the 4th-10th house axis (Cancer-Capricorn), the intimate versus the public, home versus work/career, fluidity versus rigidity etc. Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this moon the “Grandmother’s Moon”. The Grandmother is the head of her family, clan or tribe and she rules all blood relatives and cares for them intensely. Under this Moon we may feel older, wiser and a little more rigid, it’s the destiny of Capricorn to embody maturity and this Full Moon is the archetype of [...]

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