• Basics in Astrology 1

    February 4, 2015
    Basics in Astrology 1

    Let’s do some basic astrology. I’d like to explain the meanings of the more personal planets in our natal chart: The Sun represents who you are and how you seek to express your authentic big self The Moon represents what you need emotionally in order to feel safe Mercury represents how you think and how you process information Venus represents what you like, how you want to be loved and appreciated Mars represents what you want and how you take action Jupiter represents your philosophy about life Saturn represents what you fear and how you expect authority figures to be like The [...]

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    Pisces Rendezvous

    January 30, 2015
    Pisces Rendezvous

    On the 28th of January, Venus, the planet of love, romance, harmony and values, glided in to the sign of Pisces, the sign of its exaltation, where Neptune, Pisces ruler, has been transiting since April 2011. From the 30th of January to the 3rd of February these two planets will be cuddling up real close. What might that mean? That we may be lost in a realm of fantasy, washed over by feelings of love and happiness, dreaming of a lottery win, happy in the company of all and capable of seducing all! If only... If only Saturn in Sagittarius wasn’t glaring (oops, squaring) these two. Saturn [...]

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    Pluto square the Lunar Nodal Axis

    Pluto square the Lunar nodal axis (15th January 2015 at 15.35° Capricorn) and Uranus conjunct south Lunar Node (20th January 2015 at 15.26° Aries) The nodes and the planets involved are all in Cardinal signs, indicating that action should be taken responsibly (Capricorn) with courage (Aries) together with others (Libra), the missing leg of this Cardinal Grand Cross in Cancer invites us to be compassionate as we make these changes. With transiting Pluto in Capricorn squaring the transiting nodal Lunar axis (NN in Libra, SN in Aries), in mid-January, we should expect a shift in consciousness[...]

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    Mercury entered the sign of Aquarius on the 5th of January this year and will remain there until the 12th of March. During this period the planet will go retrograde from the 21st of January to the 11th of February back-peddling from 17° to 1° of this sign. At the moment it is in what is known as its shadow period, that is, it is moving forward through the degrees of Aquarius that it will backtrack over during the retrograde movement. What does that mean? It means that we will have to opportunity to re-think any ideas or decisions we make during this present time to see if they really fit [...]

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    Saturn Enters Sagittarius on December 24th 2014

    Let’s talk about Saturn, so, first of all, who was Saturn according to the myth? Saturn is the Roman name for the Greek god Kronos, he is famous not only because he castrated his father Ouranos (Uranus) but also because he swallowed each of his own children as they were born. Allegedly an oracle told him that he would be supplanted by his own children and by swallowing them he believed that this prophesy would not unfold. However, one of his children escaped this fate (Zeus) and when he reached manhood and married, his wife, Metis, gave Saturn a drug which made him vomit up the rest of [...]

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