• What’s it like to be an Earthling? When we were born the Sun was in a certain sign of the zodiac and the Earth was in the sign exactly opposite this. Eg.: Aries Sun and Libra Earth, Cancer Sun and Capricorn Earth etc. Following this reasoning, we might assume that we are spiritual entities born into a physical environment, such as the body we inhabit. We need to make a distinction however between the terrestrial globe on which we live and the conditions under which we operate. Although the Earth might last forever as a planet, the conditions under which we operate are ever-changing, and [...]

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    On Monday there will be a new moon at 26°56’ of Taurus. In his book “Moon Phase Astrology” author Raven Kundera calls this moon “The Dryad’s Moon”. He describes this moon as “a form closest to nature as is possible for humankind to get”. It’s a very intuitive moon where words are superfluous and “touch” all important, in a word: “sensuality”. Also with Taurus being ruled by Venus it’s easy to see that it’s also about comfort, harmony and love. In the traditional zodiac Taurus is associated with the 2nd house so this New Moon will have a 2nd-8th house axis [...]

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    Mercury’s long ride through Gemini

    May 1st 2015 to July 8th 2015 Mercury will remain in Gemini for just over two months, this uncommonly long stay (it usually takes a month or little more for Mercury to move signs) is due to the three week retrograde period of the planet. Mercury is in its own sign in Gemini and, as a such, will be particularly active during the next two months. As it coasts through the sign it will make repeated and interesting aspects with four planets: Mercury in opposition to Saturn during the periods May 1st to 4th and June 8th to 17th This opposition could bring some serious thinking with it [...]

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    Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

    May 18th 2015 to June 10th 2015 We’re due for another retrograde Mercury period, it will be in the Mutable Air sign of Gemini (both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury) and will station on May 18th 2015 at 13°06’ Gemini before starting its backward movement which will end on June 10th 2015 at 4°38’ Gemini. On May 4th it will enter its shadow period, the degrees of the sign that it will be back-tracking over. So the things that we have in mind during the period May 4th to May 18th should probably be the ones we need to re-think, re-evaluate, re-assess and anything other verb that [...]

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    Moon Types

    April 21, 2015

    Most people know their Sun signs and many also know their rising or ascending sign too but few people, and usually only the ones who have a deeper interest in astrology, know their Moon sign. The Moon sign is extremely important too since: We exist through the Sun and we live through the Moon, or to put another way: Whilst the Sun represents the way we act outwardly, the Moon symbolizes our inner self, the way we assimilate and elaborate external events. The sign the Moon is in informs us about what we need to feel safe or what we cling to for security when we feel unsafe and thus describes[...]

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    Back to Basics 3

    March 26, 2015
    Back to Basics 3

    THE HOUSES To continue our reasoning in the two earlier “back to basics” articles; that the planets are the actors and the signs are the costumes, then we can consider the houses as the scene where the action takes place. The horoscope circle or zodiac wheel is divided into twelve houses. The positions of these houses are linked to the Ascendant-Descendant axis and often, but not always, to the Midheaven-Imum Coeli axis and the time and place of birth, as well as the date, are required to calculate these. The points that separate the houses are known as “house cusps.” There are [...]

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    Back to Basics 2

    February 27, 2015
    Back to Basics 2

    Last time we looked at the planets which we could say are the main actors in our chart. Now let’s look at the signs which we could think of as the costumes for our planet actors. ARIES – the ram Aires, the first sign of the zodiac belongs to the fire signs. It is the 1st Cardinal sign and governs the head. Aries is full of energy and enthusiasm to do things, it loves challenges and as a Cardinal sign is also loves being the first to take action and this involves sorting out other people’s problems too since they always rush in aid to the needy. To some of the quieter types, the [...]

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    Basics in Astrology 1

    February 4, 2015
    Basics in Astrology 1

    Let’s do some basic astrology. I’d like to explain the meanings of the more personal planets in our natal chart: The Sun represents who you are and how you seek to express your authentic big self The Moon represents what you need emotionally in order to feel safe Mercury represents how you think and how you process information Venus represents what you like, how you want to be loved and appreciated Mars represents what you want and how you take action Jupiter represents your philosophy about life Saturn represents what you fear and how you expect authority figures to be like The [...]

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    Pisces Rendezvous

    January 30, 2015
    Pisces Rendezvous

    On the 28th of January, Venus, the planet of love, romance, harmony and values, glided in to the sign of Pisces, the sign of its exaltation, where Neptune, Pisces ruler, has been transiting since April 2011. From the 30th of January to the 3rd of February these two planets will be cuddling up real close. What might that mean? That we may be lost in a realm of fantasy, washed over by feelings of love and happiness, dreaming of a lottery win, happy in the company of all and capable of seducing all! If only... If only Saturn in Sagittarius wasn’t glaring (oops, squaring) these two. Saturn [...]

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    Pluto square the Lunar Nodal Axis

    Pluto square the Lunar nodal axis (15th January 2015 at 15.35° Capricorn) and Uranus conjunct south Lunar Node (20th January 2015 at 15.26° Aries) The nodes and the planets involved are all in Cardinal signs, indicating that action should be taken responsibly (Capricorn) with courage (Aries) together with others (Libra), the missing leg of this Cardinal Grand Cross in Cancer invites us to be compassionate as we make these changes. With transiting Pluto in Capricorn squaring the transiting nodal Lunar axis (NN in Libra, SN in Aries), in mid-January, we should expect a shift in consciousness[...]

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