From fighting for his tribe to fighting for his pride. Leo is a fixed sign and consequently Mars here wants to hold on to its position which it naturally assumes to be that of a successful leader, accepted by all. The Leonine energy flows in self-centred channels firmly convinced that it will always put its best foot forward and by using its magnetism and charm will get away with practically anything. Criticism tends to irritate Mars in Leo, however tensions soon blow over but certainly not before a dramatic and noisy tantrum! All times GMT. On the 1st of July Mars opposes a [...]

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    time to move forward with decision leaving the past behind… Saturn will end its annual retrograde period on the 28-29th of September stationing direct at 25°20’ Capricorn (antiscion 04°40’ Sagittarius). The chart of the station has yet again a heavy Earth/Cardinal signature; moving forward in a practical way. There is a tight square to Saturn from a retrograde Mars hinting at a blockage or at its best slow progress. Venus is simultaneously trine Mars and quincunx Saturn, enjoyment and pleasure are at hand but dare we? This is the last time that Saturn will station in Capricorn[...]

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    from Air to Water….from rational to emotional Mars OOB until 12th June when the planet will be at 17° Cancer….when Mars is OOB we can expect the energy to be fiercer which can mean being extra courageous defending our tribe or violently angry with whoever wrongs us or ours. On May 16th Mars, the warrior, the womanizer, the risk taker, the argumentative one, the impatient, enters the sign of Cancer, the sign of emotions, the most romantic of the whole zodiac, the sensitive one. How the heck can Mars feel at home here? In fact, Cancer is the sign of fall for the planet Mars, where he [...]

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