• a time for revision before moving on Saturn will station retrograde on the 17th of April at 9°09’ Capricorn and return to direct motion at 2°32’ Capricorn on the 5th of September. At the start and at the end of each retrograde period the planet gradually slows down almost to a halt. So, if you have planets or angles between 7-11° and 0-5° degrees of cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) then these will be particularly affected by Saturn over a period of roughly 15 days at each station. During stationary periods planets seemingly have more impact. The antiscion point[...]

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    full steam ahead under this fiery sky? There will be a New Moon at 26° 02’ of Aries, a Cardinal, Fire sign on the 16th of April only two days after Mercury stations to turn direct in Aries (4°47’) and one day before Saturn stations to turn retrograde (9°57’) in the sign of Capricorn. This New Moon, as the first sign in the zodiac, symbolizes the starting point of a new journey, a rise to the next level. We need to leave our comfort zone and discover new pathways and destinations. As well as the above-mentioned two planets stationing in close proximity this New Moon is also [...]

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    After 8 years in Pisces (April 2010 to April 2018) Chiron enters Aries on 17th April 2018, moves back in Pisces on 26th Sept 2018 and then moves permanently into Aries on 18th Feb 2019 until May 2027. Whilst in watery Pisces the planetoid gave us the opportunity to feel our own pain and grief as well as that of others. It also enabled those with an inclination (or vocation) as a healer to help others overcome their pain and discomfort. In Aries, Chiron takes on the properties of this Fire sign with its “I exist” assertiveness and inner sense of vibrancy, bravely facing its own wounds[...]

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    is it “me” or “we” time for you? The Full Moon will occur at 10°45’ Libra, a Cardinal, Air sign ruled by Venus, the very same day that Venus enters Taurus, the other sign it rules. This is the second Full Moon in the month of March which in itself it rather rare and is known as a “blue Moon”. During Full Moons the Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other; the head (Sun) and the heart (Moon) are out of kilter, Aries is about the “me” whilst Libra is about the “we”. While Aries loves challenges and initiations, fighting for them if necessary, Libra, a [...]

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    …slowing down is a must Mercury starts its first retrograde period of the year at 16°53’ Aries and backtracks to 4°48’ Aries where it again stops in its tracks on 14th April to station direct. Mercury starts this retrograde movement on the contra-antiscion point of transiting Neptune (14° Pisces)  adding mental confusion, anxiety and misunderstandings to this initial phase but giving great insight for those more spiritually aligned because the veil thins allowing clearer vision and insight. Aries gives us a rather noisy, quick-thinking, discussion-loving version of Mercury, [...]

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    Are you ready for the ride? Mars, having exceeded the Sun’s outermost limit from the celestial equator, finds itself, as from yesterday 17th March, heading outwards in a southern direction as it enters Capricorn, the sign of its exaltation. Mars will remain OOB until the 8th of April when it will be at 12° Capricorn in the tropical zodiac. During their OOB phase planets express their full potential and act as wild cards, completely unpredictable…be it in a positive or negative manner. Mars is an assertive planet, Capricorn is a restrictive sign ruled by Saturn, it imbues [...]

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    don’t quit your daydreams….   There will be a New Moon on the 17th of March at 26°53’ Pisces, a mutable, Water sign ruled by Neptune (modern) and Jupiter (traditional), let’s also take into consideration its antiscion point at 3°07 Libra. The Sun and Moon will be closely conjunct Chiron in Pisces suggesting that healing may come through dreams or that a new way of looking at our emotions could help the healing process or even that we will become aware of just how much charisma we have this month. Neptune, modern ruler of Pisces and also in his home sign is, together with [...]

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          From Water to Fire...from emotion to inspiration.       It’s time to wake up as Mercury and Venus both leave dreamy Pisces (where Sun, Neptune and Chiron are still transiting) for daring and wilful Aries, a Cardinal Fire sign. Empathy and dreams morph into intuition and action. Mercury the planet of thought, ideas, pranks and motion moves onto more solid ground as he leaves the sign of his detriment and fall and enters the more wilful sign of Aries on the 6th of March where he could act like an unruly child. Here, the planet will [...]

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    …underlying beliefs need examining further Jupiter stations retrograde at 23°13’ Scorpio on the 8th of March. We have an opportunity over the next four months to turn inwards and gain deeper insights into spiritual or philosophical issues since our wisdom will flow with more ease from the subconscious to the conscious self.  This is also an excellent period during which to seek out underlying beliefs concerning the current matters of the house where Jupiter is transiting in our natal chart because here diamonds are surely to be found, but only by those who are prepared to dig [...]

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    “If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.”  Tom Peters There will be a Full Moon at 11°23’ of the sign of Virgo on March 2nd. Virgo is a mutable Earth sign ruled by Mercury. This Full Moon could thus be a good moment to step-up the ways that aid our emotional well-being especially since it’s opposite a tight Sun-Neptune conjunction which could make us feel clueless about who we really are as our emotions follow suit and enhance sensations of inadequacy or confusion about what we’re really receiving and perceiving and from whom. At this Full Moon, Jupiter, ruler[...]

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