• Horoscopes test

    October 16, 2015

    Horoscopes for October 2015 I suggest that you read both your Sun sign and your Rising sign (Ascendant). Aries 21/03-20/04 Feeling a bit exhausted after all those comings and goings last month are we? No worries, you’ll be up and kicking again by mid-month and ready to charge into the next adventure! Work and romance are still very upbeat and the urge to splash out on something luxurious and extravagant may be hard to repress. Try not to be too pushy if the relationship is still quite new…take time to smell the roses as they say…it’s the journey that counts not the destination!! [...]

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    The New Moon in Libra is all about relationships!! This includes social as well as romantic liaisons so it’s time to set our intentions on getting along with people! In his book “Moon Phase Astrology”, Raven Kaldera calls this New Moon the “White Knight’s Moon”, he wants to do right, correct wrongs and rescue people who should then show gratitude to him (according to his view of the world). Libra is the sign of the Scales which continuously swing back and forth trying to find balance. On one side of these scales we find Venus (the ruler of Libra) who desires that things be [...]

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    October 5, 2015

    THE PLANET SATURN In Back to Basics 1 I explained some of the meanings of the personal planets and I also included Saturn in this article. Since Saturn is now at the forefront in planetary happenings I thought it might be a good idea to look deeper into the meanings of this planet and also to explain the Saturn cycle. Saturn has an orbit of 28-30 years and stays in each sign approximately 2.5 years. In ancient times and until quite recently (1950’s), in traditional astrology, Saturn was known as the “Greater Malefic” with Mars being the “Lesser Malefic”. With the advent of a more [...]

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    October horoscopes

    October 1, 2015

    October scopes now posted on the horoscope page of my blog!

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    There will be a full Moon and a total lunar eclipse at 4° 40’ Aries on the 27th September at 7.50 p.m PDT and 2.50 a.m. GMT. This is the last eclipse of this year and the fourth of four total lunar eclipses in a row, a rare event known as a tetrad. This is also the second Super Full Moon in a row and the closet to the earth. According to Bernadette Brady, renowned astrologer, the effects of lunar eclipses are more internal and emotional, urging us to ponder the problems of life etc. Eclipses are spotlights that shine on our life-path, they catch you in mid-action illuminating that area of[...]

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    Saturn in now firmly in Sagittarius where it will remain until 2017. Sagittarius is the sign of optimism and faith, its ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of width, he who pushes us to go further, be it mentally or physically. This is the sign of the traveller, the one who loves other cultures and faiths, the seeker of the truth. Saturn is the planet of depth, the one who wants to limit and restrict, so as you can see they aren’t really easy bed-mates thus we have to find a compromise for them to work well together in our chart. Therefore, the next 2.5 years might cause a spiritual [...]

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    September 19, 2015

    I wanted to discuss something a little different from the planetary aspects that I usually write about in this blog. I want to talk about the ancient system of the planetary hours in which one of the seven traditional planets (those visible to the naked eye) is given rulership not only over each day but also over parts of each day. It is thought to have roots ancient Babylonian astrology and is certainly the origin of the seven-day week and the names of the days as used in English and other languages. The traditional planets in astrology are: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, sun, Venus, Mercury and [...]

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    Finding your faith in something bigger, believing that the best has yet to come at its most positive! During this transit we might be searching for “signs” and experiences that confirm our own (idea) of spirituality and one way to achieve this would certainly be through meditation since the veil between worlds will undoubtedly be very thin now. However, we must learn to discern fact from fantasy and this may be difficult during the 5-6 days (prior and post) surrounding the exactness (7° of each sign) of the aspect which occurs in Europe on 16th September this year. This is not a period [...]

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    New Moons are said to bring new beginnings to the part of our natal chart (house) where they fall and even more so if they make a conjunction (1-2° orb) or an opposition to a planet, in this case, in either Virgo or Pisces. Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology”1 calls this New Moon in Virgo the “Maiden’s Moon” and since we need to find solace in solitude this is an excellent moment to perform work of a repetitive, solitary type that allows your mind to wander into a meditative space whilst the work itself becomes just a background rhythm. The concomitant Solar Eclipse [...]

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    August 29, 2015

    September scopes are now posted on the horoscope page!

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