A sneak into the future with your monthly horoscope…the energies of the zodiac explained! Hi, my name is Lynn. I’m a professional, fully qualified Western astrologer (DMS Astrol) and member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International, specialised in the interpretation of natal charts and solar returns. I hope you enjoy reading my monthly snapshots of the sky for the twelve Sun signs. My aim is to awaken your resourcefulness towards the possibilities available over the next thirty days since I firmly believe that “forewarned is forearmed”. These scopes will[...]

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    There will be a Full Moon at 3°29’ Leo on the 24th of January. Leo is a Fixed, Fire sign. In traditional astrology Leo governs the 5th house, so this Full Moon operates on the 5th-11th house axis (Leo-Aquarius): the things we create for our own personal satisfaction (including our children) vs our group efforts, the artist vs the scientist, the autocrat vs the democrat etc. Full Moons are also known to be times when things climax, when we decide that enough is enough for certain aspects of our life because we avert an intensified conflict between two major areas of our life and we need to [...]

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    On the 10th of January there will be a New Moon at 19°13’ in the sign of Capricorn, this is the fourth in a series of five New Moons in a row at 19° of the relative monthly sign. The series started on 13th October 2015 with the New Moon at 19° Libra and will end with the New Moon at 19° Aquarius on 8th February 2016. Capricorn is a Cardinal, Earth sign, so persons with planets or angles of the natal chart at 19° of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra will be particularly interested by this lunation. New Moons are notoriously the best moment to set fresh intentions for the month ahead. [...]

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    Jupiter, or Zeus as the ancient Greeks knew him, was the King of the Olympian gods. He was omniscient; knowing and seeing everything as well as dispensing good and evil not only in the Heavens but also among the mortals on the Earth. Although married to a very jealous spouse (Hera) he managed nevertheless to have many extra-marital affairs with goddesses and mortals alike thus producing an incredible number of children who he always left to be raised by others. So we associate Jupiter with growth, expansion and luck which, if exaggerated, can also lead to greed and dissatisfaction in some [...]

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    Mercury starts off the New Year with one of its retrograde cycles, the first of four in 2016. He stations direct at 1°02° Aquarius and will backtrack to 14°55 Capricorn, finally stationing direct on 25th January 2016. The shadow period of this retrograde cycle which involves the signs and degrees covered by the retrograde period and to which many astrologers also give importance started on 19th December 2015 and will end on 14th February 2016. This is the last time that Mercury will retrograde in the Air signs until the year 2022 since Mercury retrograde cycles have a recurrent elemental [...]

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    On the 4th of January 2016 Mars will enter his own sign of Scorpio. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio whilst Pluto is the modern ruler. He will stay in this sign until the 5th of March 2016. On the plus side Mars in Scorpio could give us a great amount of psychological power and prowess to help us achieve our goals. He will certainly add ambition, consistence and single-mindedness to the matters of the house which has Scorpio on the cusp in our natal chart. On the downside we may be tempted to exploit, manipulate or blackmail others in order to gain personal power or we may meet [...]

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    Horoscopes for January 2016 now posted

    A sneak into the future with your monthly horoscope…the energies of the zodiac explained! Your forecast for the month of January 2016 is now posted on the horoscope page of the blog. Hi, my name is Lynn. I’m a professional, fully qualified Western astrologer (DMS Astrol) and member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International, specialised in the interpretation of natal charts and solar returns. I hope you enjoy reading my monthly snapshots of the sky for the twelve Sun signs. My aim is to awaken your resourcefulness towards the possibilities available over the next [...]

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    A glimpse at some of the astrological events and transits occurring in the zodiac during the New Year 2016 which is a leap year: Movements of the trans-Saturnian planets during the year: Saturn                  9°-21° Sagittarius Uranus                 16°-24° Aries Neptune             7°-12 Pisces Pluto                    14°-16° Capricorn January 2016 4th Jan                   Mars enters Scorpio 5th Jan                   Mercury stations retrograde at 1°02’ Aquarius 7th [...]

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    This will be the last Full Moon of 2015 and it occurs at 3°20’ of Cancer, a Cardinal, Water sign, it is also the first Full Moon at Christmas since 1977. In traditional astrology it involves the 4th-10th house (Cancer-Capricorn) axis so matters involving home vs work, private vs public, fluidity vs rigidity etc. Full Moons are also known to be times when things climax, when we decide that enough is enough for certain aspects of our life because we avert an intensified conflict between two major areas of our life and we need to find a way to honour both. They shine a light on the area that [...]

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    Mercury in Capricorn will square Uranus in Aries at 16°34’ on December 20th. Mercury in Capricorn (an Earth sign), at his best, doesn’t want to be thought of as stupid and demands to be taken seriously. He is very realistic and always keeps the essential in mind. Persistant and sober, he thinks (a lot) before he speaks. On the other hand, at his worst, he could also be too inflexible, narrow-minded, cold and humourless, or even monotonous and boring. Uranus in Aries (a Fire sign) insists of having freedom of will and if he isn’t allowed this then he becomes an inconsiderate [...]

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