• New Moon in TaurusNEW MOON IN TAURUS

    feeling comfortable isn’t always the best thing….

    It’s time to set your intentions for the New Moon at 18°02’ Taurus (antiscion 11°58’ Leo). The Moon is exalted in this Venus-ruled, Fixed Earth sign.

    A tight applying conjunction to Uranus and Jupiter will add volatility to this Fixed sign lunation, the dispositor of which, rules, among other matters, finances, so expect more disturbing events in the global stock markets as well as news of earthquakes around the world too (Taurus is a Fixed, Earth sign). There is also a separating sextile of the lunation from Saturn which will hopefully have given us the chance to ponder our emotions and be more responsible in our actions.

    Dispositor of the lunation is Venus, strong in its home sign of Taurus and part of a five-planet rendezvous in the sign together with the Sun, Moon, Uranus and Jupiter. Venus is also in mutual detriment with Mars which recently entered Aries.

    In the chart we also find Mars c//Neptune (scattered energy), Mercury c//Saturn (serious thinking, sometimes depression), Jupiter//Uranus – the longitudinal conjunction aspect between these two isn’t over yet.

    Jupiter is also conjunct Fixed Star Algol, considered an unfortunate star which has to do with violence, Pluto with Altair hinting at boldness and power and Neptune is conjunct Scheat which has to do with accidents often including water and drowning. All in all, this is not a particularly happy New Moon.

    The chart has a preponderance of Earth signs with only Pluto in the Air signs, likewise there is a majority of planets in the Fixed signs and two each in the Cardinal and Mutable ones. Stubborn, down-to-earth but on a personal level this could translate into high degree of body or eco-consciousness or as well as a strong desire to maintain the status quo. Furthermore, all the planets are contained between Pluto and Jupiter which are square by sign but not by degree. A huge battle for power (or for hidden riches) which become uncontrollable.

    The New Moon falls on the 2-8th axis of the traditional zodiac (Taurus-Scorpio) which involves matters such as security vs temptation, calm vs crisis, sex vs taboos etc. It is significant for those who have planets or angles between 15-21° of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

    So, part of our intentions for this moment might involve building things (projects, relationships or whatever) to last by creating stability in that part of our lives illuminated by this New Moon. To do this we need to listen to our body and follow our heart.

    Author Raven Kaldera, in his book “Moon Phase Astrology”, calls this New Moon the

    “Dryads Moon”

     the Dryads are the quiet, shy spirits of the trees, and he states that “this Moon phase in the earthiest of the astrological signs comes forth in a form that is as close to Nature that a human can possibly be”. He suggests that on this day we should steep ourselves in Nature by going for a walk or just sitting in the garden or park when possible.

    The Sabian symbol for 19° Taurus: “A new continent rising out of the ocean.” Indicating the surge of new potentiality after the crisis.

    For the antiscion at 12° Leo: “An evening party of adults on a lawn illumined by fancy lanterns.” Indicating group-relaxation in fashionable surroundings as an escape work routine.

    “Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you.” William Arthur Ward



    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 27-30, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Robson V. (2005) [1923] “The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology” pp 123-124, 135, 206, Astrology Classics, The Astrology Center of America, Abingdon USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p. 82, 139, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

