• Come on baby light my fire….4 planets in Aries

    The New Moon in Aries will take place at 22°24’. Aries is a Cardinal, Fire sign (antiscion 7°36’ Virgo).

    This New Moon, as the first sign in the zodiac, symbolizes the starting point of a new journey, a rise to the next level. We need to leave our comfort zone and discover new pathways and destinations.

    New Moons are great times to set your intentions about new projects to undertake during the month to come so try to take some quiet time to think about what you would like or need to change in the matters of the house where the New Moon takes place in your chart.

    The New Moon falls on the 1-7th axis (Aries-Libra) in traditional astrology: the I vs us, me vs you, assertion vs compromise, independence vs relationship etc. Most affected by this New Moon are those people with planets or angles in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

    The dispositor of this lunation is an OOB Mars enjoying only minor dignity by term in the Mutable, Air sign of Gemini. Mars is applying a trine aspect to Jupiter in Aquarius and immediately “big, bad and ugly” become more than a possibility, the trine occurs between Air signs, further contagion perhaps? Particularly so since Mars is separating from a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces which could indicate some weakness of energy or idealistic dreams which are unpractical when put into action.

    The Lunation itself is applying a sextile both to its dispositor Mars and to Jupiter, perhaps a hot-head situation is in the brewing as matters could get excitable quite quickly. Sextiles are mentally energising, we are eager for new learning experiences and we have the opportunity to obtain helpful information about life through an objective observation. Sextiles are opportunities that we need to grasp otherwise we risk remaining uninvolved and stuck on an abstract mental level. Nevertheless, the emphasis on the Cardinal/Fixed modalities in the lunation chart see us chomping at the bit ready to move forward yet firmly sticking to our own ideas, four planets in the Fire element and three in Air also highlight the desire to follow our own ideals with little empathy (Neptune only in Water) and perseverance (Uranus only in Earth) to follow the path chosen.

    There is also an applying square from the Lunation to Pluto in Capricorn, what is it that we really want? Are we emotionally (too) strong or are we weak and caving into the will of others? Are we being controlled or are we in control? It seems rather an Hamletic doubt which is nevertheless important to resolve.

    Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this “The Infant’s” Moon and he compares it to the “Fool” in the tarot deck, an innocent being eager to discover the world. He states that on this Moon “we begin things, we revisit our relationship with that state of utter faith and excitement of the grand unknown. Have we become too cynical for that kind of trust?”

    Linda Goodman, author of the famous book “Sun Signs”, is said to have commented this New Moon “how appropriate that the archetypical Infant of Aries was protected by the seasoned and powerful Warrior of Mars”.

    The Sabian symbol for 23°Aries is “A pregnant woman in a light summer dress.” Indicating fecundity.

    For the antiscion at 8° Virgo: “A five-year-old takes a first dancing lesson.” Indicating learning to use one’s capacity for emotional self-expression according to cultural standards.

    “Not getting what you want either means you don’t want it enough, or you have been dealing too long with the price you have to pay.”  Rudyard Kipling


    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 25-27, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp 66, 155, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

