• Mars OOB stations direct in GeminiMARS STATIONS DIRECT BUT REMAINS OOB

    mental stress and unexpressed plans

    Finally, OOB Mars stations direct at 08°07’ Gemini (antiscion 21°53’ Cancer) on the 12th of January and it was about time might I add from a very personal perspective having 4 planets in the mutable signs including Mars itself in Gemini!

    The planet will now be able to express its energy in a more straightforward manner although it will remain OOB and still rather a wild card (also peregrine) until the 4/5th of May.

    When Mars is retrograde its energies turn inwards and it may seem that our plans backfire or develop too slowly so it’s not the best time to initiate new activities since this might lead to frustration and irritation. However, this phase, as with all retrograde planets, is great for planning important projects or finishing matters that we have already started prior to the retrograde. It’s also a good time to take a rest, especially a mental rest due to the planet being in an Air sign, so, hopefully, overthinking and overplanning did not get the better of you. Now is the time to move forward and put those new plans and ideas into action.

    How did you do during the Mars retrograde?

    The Sabian symbol for the direct station at 09° Gemini: “A quiver filled with arrows.” Indicating man’s aggressive relationship to natural life, as a basis for survival and conquest.

    For the antiscion at 22° Cancer: “A famous singer is proving her virtuosity during an operatic performance.” Indicating the emotional reward accompanying cultural excellence.

    “Because if you take a risk, you just might find what you’re looking for.” Susane Colasanti, Take Me There


    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp. 95 and 124, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Artwork: myskypie2023

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