• “Courage is knowing what not to fear.” Plato

    The planet of expansion enters the sign of restriction and width becomes once more proportionate to height.

    After a whole year of jubilance in its own sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter now meets the real world where growth and magnificence have little or no space or are at best held under tight control. Needless to say, Jupiter is in its fall in Capricorn.

    The transit will begin on 2nd December 2019 and end on 19th December 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will then be conjoined at 0° Aquarius on 21st December (an event happening approximately every 20 years…the last time was on 28th May 2000 at 22° Taurus).

    Jupiter has an orbital cycle of approximately 12 years and the last times in recent years when the planet transited Capricorn were:

    1st December 1995 to 21st January 1997 and 19th December 2007 to 5th January 2009…did anything particular occur in your life during those years? I ask because the house(s) in your natal chart that are ruled by Capricorn are the same as those interested in this upcoming transit but the placements of the other transiting planets are different each time.

    During this transit we may experience a sense of repressed or curtailed freedom where fear of the truth or of knowing too much could be very present in our lives, this effect may be felt on a personal level as the result of mundane events over which we have little or no control. It’s certainly not a transit conducive to risk-taking of any kind. Goodwill could also become very selective during this transit as we each search to protect our own rather than meet the adversary half-way.

    On the plus side there could be a big take on responsibility, duty and integrity with Jupiter in the sign of the sea-goat since a basic belief in tradition, hierarchy and Establishment is still underlying and adds a conservative nuance to the entire transit. Other positive traits could include having the ambition to get to the truth despite all and being honest enough to abide by the truth.

    “Fear is not in the habit of speaking truth.” Tacitus

    Artwork: myskiepie2019
