• enthusiasm please…..

    There will be a full Moon at 8°10’ of Sagittarius, a mutable Fire sign. The Sagittarius Moon is usually a jovial, quest-searching entity that desires, above all, truth and something to believe in. It also loves freedom and is easily motivated.

    The Sun and Moon are not in direct aspect to other planets as they oppose each other in their monthly dance.

    Moon’s ruler, Jupiter in retrograde motion, is still deep-sea diving in Scorpio, reminiscing yet highly tuned to any covert emotions that could float to consciousness when the planet stations before regaining forward movement in early July. Jupiter’s trine to Neptune in dreamy Pisces also heightens our imagination and intuition as well as our need to zone out and just relax.

    The Moon is also in close proximity of the fixed star Antares* (now at just over 10° Sagittarius). This is one of the four Royal stars of Persia and is said to be of the nature of Mars and Jupiter according to Ptolemy. It’s about closing down and cycles ending which I find so apt for a Full Moon!

    The Sun’s ruler, Mercury is on the critical, anaretic degree of 29° Taurus, ready to barge into his home in Gemini and get social and chatty before losing his charm and being overwhelmed by the Sun for a few days as they cross paths in this glib sign.

    Full Moons are times of harvest, the climax of the lunar cycle when energy is at its topmost…and we would do well to recognize this fact…that it can’t get any better (or worse) than this regarding whatever intentions we had set on the previous New Moon.

    Since Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon oppose each other it is therefore during this time that we may feel tension in regard to integrating the matters of the houses that are facing each other in our natal charts.

    If the Full Moon aspects a natal planet then it urges us to reflect upon how we are presently using that planetary energy and how we could devise plans to act upon and thus set our intentions on the next New Moon regarding any changes we might deem necessary. Or, we may sense internally or be alerted through external happenings regarding the outcome of the intentions we set on the previous New Moon.

    This Full Moon falls on the 9th-3rd axis of the traditional horoscope. It’s about wisdom vs knowledge, intuition vs reason, long vs short journeys, morality vs amorality etc. If you have planets or angles at 6-12° of the mutable signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces then this Full Moon could have a bigger influence for you. Nevertheless, it will illuminate an area of our lives that we may have preferred to have kept hidden since the last New Moon, now is the right occasion to explore it more deeply.

    Raven Kaldera, in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this the Priest’s Moon, “he who has acquired knowledge through the channel of the sacred texts and traditions that he has learned and who is now ready to dedicated himself to the Truth (as he sees it).”

    On this Moon he suggests “that we reflect about the traditions and beliefs we hold (religious or otherwise) and if we are able to objectively question them. If we think that we hold no fixed beliefs then maybe we could ask our friends if they think that this it true and be ready to listen carefully to their answers about ourselves.”

    The Sabian symbol for 9° Sagittarius: “A mother leads her small child step by step up a steep stairway.” Indicating the need in any social situation to assist the less evolved in their management of the problems which society requires its members to solve.

    For 9° Gemini: “A quiver filled with arrows.” Indicating man’s aggressive relationship to natural life, as a basis for survival and conquest.

    “It’s always the challenge of the future, this feeling of excitement, that drives me.” Yoshihisa Tabuchi

    Your views?



    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 216-218, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp 102 and 215, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Robson V. (1923) “The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology”, Ch. V “Influence of stars and nebulae”, pp 136-137, Astrology Classics (edition 2005), The Astrology Center of America, Abingdon MD, USA


    Image: Sagittarius by the Art of Nahima