• time to open our hearts……

    The Full Moon will occur at 21°33’ Libra, a Cardinal, Air sign ruled by Venus.

    It will be on the antiscion point of the last Solar Eclipse which took place at 8° Pisces on the 26th February which in turn was opposite the Solar Eclipse at 9° Virgo on September 1st last year.

    Things or events that came up with the September eclipse may have been brought to your attention again in February and now be reaching a culmination of sorts with this Full Moon. Have you noticed this?

    Full Moons are when matters climax, they are “now or never” moments regarding any projects we have initiated or intentions set at the preceding New Moon fourteen days ago or brought to light with the above mentioned eclipses.

    This lunation takes place on the traditional 7th-1st house axis, Libra-Aries the “you” vs “me”, compromise vs assertion, relationship vs independence etc. Most affected by this Full Moon are those people with planets or angles in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Allow a 2° orb for contacts.

    According to witch or shamanic folklore this is

    the “Pink” moon

    Many flowers turn pink and bloom in April, thus the name pink moon. This is a good time for working on potential relationships, or heading off problems in an existing one.

    Author Raven Kaldera calls it

    the “Artist’s Moon”

    according to him, it’s a great time to start creative projects and an even better time to pick up those creative projects you’ve put aside or forgot about or lost inspiration in. It’s also a good time to go public with your art (or your talents I might add).

    Venus, the ruler of Libra, is retrograde in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation, but it is in a close conjunction with Chiron where it will stay for a while as it slows down for the end of its retrograde period. Perhaps it’s time to open our hearts, heal our wounds and move on.

    The Sun closely conjoins Eris and Uranus in fiery Aries, a troublesome duo, all three oppose the Moon and Jupiter in Libra (emotions could get out of control) and both groups are squared by transformative Pluto in stern Capricorn.

    Tension is high and unpredictable with the desire to act regardless (Sun, Eris, Uranus) but being kind to ourselves and others (Moon, Jupiter in Libra) by finding a compromise (Libra) might better us in any challenging (Pluto) situation we have to face.

    The Sabian symbol for 22° Libra: “A child giving birds a drink at a fountain.” Indicating the concern of simple souls for the welfare and happiness of less-evolved beings who thirst for life renewal.

    “It’s hard to let go. Even when what you’re holding onto is full of thorns, it’s hard to let go. Maybe especially then.” Stephen King, Joyland


    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 210-213, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp 186, 283, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Thomas’s Old Farmers’ Almanac – circa 1792, https://www.paganspath.com/magik/moonnames.htm accesso il 7 Febbraio 2017

    Image: the sword and scales of justice by Geraldine Arata
