• “Hello from the other side” (Adele) Just before midday on Sunday morning (GMT) there will be a full Moon in Pisces. In the Western world we tend to indulge ourselves in feeling-based activities on full Moon days but in Tibetan Buddhist monastic tradition this is a day devoted to the purification of “negative” karma during which people are encouraged to indulge less, thus creating space to contemplate the true nature of reality (1). The Sun’s dispositor, Mercury, is still in bombastic Leo and swiftly approaching a square to generous Jupiter in Scorpio which is the traditional [...]

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    The first of six retrograde planets to turn direct...we're loosening up Mercury’s 3-week retrograde period will end on the 18th of August at 11°33’ Leo (antiscion 18°27’ Taurus). In Leo, all planets want to be respected according to their nature. Mercury in Leo wants to be respected for his opinions and views and in desiring this, self-confidence often turns into bravado and presumption. During this retrograde we will have had the opportunity to think about in which part of life we want to shine in and be respected for our opinions and ideas (the house where Mercury is [...]

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    Are we shining too much? There will be a New Moon and a partial Solar Eclipse at 18°42’ Leo (antiscion 11°18’ Taurus) on the 11th of August. This will be the third of the summer eclipses and the last one for this year. The partial solar eclipse will be visible from northern and eastern Europe, northern parts of North America, and some northern and western locations in Asia, making it the most watched solar eclipse of 2018, weather permitting, of course. The last time there was a solar eclipse at 18° Leo was on the 11th August 1999. What was happening in your life then? We [...]

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    Needing to find a balance as we process the changes…. Venus enters one of its home signs on the 7th of August and will remain there the 9th of September. Some keywords for Libra might be: impartial, balanced, diplomatic, charming, tasteful, indecisive, flirtatious, peaceable and compromising. In Libra, Venus tends towards compromise and harmony in relationships but it also has problems deciding who and what it really desires or if it's even worth rocking the boat and making a choice. Venus will make the following aspects during its stay in Libra: 10th August: square retrograde [...]

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    “I can't say I wasn't hoping for it, but I didn't see it coming.”  Jessi Kirby, Golden There will be a total lunar eclipse at 4°45’ Aquarius on the 27th of July. This will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century lasting a whopping 1 hour and 43 minutes (the total part while the whole eclipse sequence lasts 4 hours and 51 minutes)! The last lunar eclipse at 5° Aquarius took place on the 28th July 1999 when Neptune was the outer planet running the show. Can you remember what was happening in your inner and/or outer life then? This eclipse has Moon sandwiched in [...]

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    I believe in me…do you? The 3-week retrograde period will begin on the 25th of July at 23°26’ Leo (antiscion 6°34’ Taurus) and end on the 18th of August at 11°33’ Leo (antiscion 18°27’ Taurus). In Leo, all planets want to be respected according to their nature. Mercury in Leo wants to be respected for his opinions and views and in desiring this, self-confidence often turns into bravado and presumption. During this retrograde we will have the opportunity to think about in which part of life we want to shine in and be respected for our opinions and ideas (the house where [...]

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    …which underlying beliefs have you examined during the retrograde? Jupiter stations direct at 13°20’ Scorpio on the 10th of July (antisicion 16°40’ Aquarius). We have had an opportunity over the last four months to turn inwards and gain deeper insights into spiritual or philosophical issues since our wisdom will have been able to flow with more ease from the subconscious to the conscious self.  This has also been an excellent period during which to seek out underlying beliefs concerning the current matters of the house where Jupiter is transiting in our natal chart because here [...]

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    heading home...right? There will be a partial Solar Eclipse and a New Moon at 20°41’ Cancer on the 13th of July. This is the third of five eclipses this year. Eclipses take place when the Sun, Moon and Earth find themselves closely aligned. Something worth noting is the fact that transiting Pluto has been opposing this eclipse degree since February and will continue to do so until August. If we have natal planets around 19-23° on the Cancer-Capricorn axis (and the Aries-Libra one) of our chart then we should have got used to this energy and already know in which sectors of our [...]

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    All I'm askin', is for a little respect when you get home (just a little bit)”* After a short stay in the homely sign of Cancer, Mercury now enters flamboyant Leo. Here, due to its retrograde period, it will remain until the 5th of September…so we’d better get used to this energy! In Leo, all planets want to be respected according to their nature. Mercury in Leo wants to be respected for his opinions and views and in desiring this, self-confidence often turns into bravado and presumption. The 3-week retrograde period will begin on the 25th of July at 23°26’ and end on the [...]

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    “If you own this story you get to write the ending.” Brené Brown On June 28th there will be a Full Moon at 6°28’ Capricorn, a Cardinal Earth sign and the sign of the Moon’s detriment where it is at its least at ease. This is a Full Moon with a huge potential for change. The Moon in Capricorn, in its detriment, where it feels least at home and is emotionally “cold”, is just separating from a conjunction to retrograde Saturn, both are opposing the Sun in Cancer. Here, on the one hand, we have the power to really transform our emotional set-up regarding our responsibilities [...]

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