• EPSON scanner image ……time to move on with optimism There will be a New Moon at 7°43’ of Sagittarius on November 29th. On New Moons we set our intentions for the month ahead and this one in particular offers the Sagittarian perspective on our destiny and our relationship with the universe. The New Moon is on the 9th-3rd (Sagittarius-Gemini) axis of the traditional zodiac and involves such matters as; seeing the whole picture vs only having scattered information, intuition vs reason, long vs short journeys, morality vs amorality, wisdom vs knowledge etc. Sagittarius is a [...]

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    …..the veil lifts? Neptune turns direct on the 18th November at 9°14’ of Pisces, his own sign. This means that uncertainties or lack of clarity that you have been internalizing and that may have surfaced from the past, finally start to lift as the fog clears (look to the houses where you have Pisces on the cusp to see where the fogginess may have been manifesting for you as well as the sign/house/aspects of your natal Neptune). Neptune transiting through the houses has the effect of “dissolving” the matters concerning that particular house even though the process is usually very [...]

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    …eyes on the sky…it will be at its biggest since 1948 The Full Moon will occur at 22°37’ Taurus and it will be the third of the super moons in this series. Perigee, it will appear approximately 14% larger than normal and much, much brighter, let’s hope that the night will be cloudless since the next Moon this near to the Earth will be in 2034!! Being so close to Earth this Moon will have a stronger effect on tides, tectonic plate movement and our moods of course and these manifestations might be felt in the days coming up to the lunation. It falls on the Taurus-Scorpio [...]

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    After sailing through Capricorn, a sign where he feels great and is empowered, and where he also met up with his big brother Pluto creating a very volatile period for many, Mars now enters the Fixed, Air sign of Aquarius where he takes on a less selfish, less violent and more altruistic stance. Here we could find Mars fighting for the masses or fighting to impress since he has a strong sense of individualism and eccentricity as he pursues his goals. To the point that he prefers to see how much he differs from the norm rather than trying to understand how much he has in common with his [...]

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    The November scopes are now posted on the horoscope page!!

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    …..delve deep into the realms of your subconscious There will be a New Moon at 7°44’ of Scorpio on the 30th of October. New Moons are the time when we are encouraged to set our intentions for the month to come regarding the house where the it falls in our natal charts. This New Moon will be on the Scorpio/Taurus axis (two fixed signs, the first Water the second Earth) which corresponds to the 8th-2nd houses in traditional astrology: what others value vs what I value, wanting to tear down the known to make room for new things vs wanting to maintain the status quo, what I share with [...]

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    …..this could be quite an angry, not-quite-what-we-expect Moon There will be a Full Moon at 23°14’ Aries on the 16th of October, this is the second of a series of Super Moons when the Moon will appear large in the sky. Aries is a Cardinal, Fire sign and the Full Moon will largely affect those with planets or angles in the other Cardinal signs of Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Full Moons are moments when matters peak concerning the house axis where it falls, for good or for bad, and some of these matters could involve any intentions you might have set on the previous New Moon which [...]

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    There will be a New Moon at 8°15’ Libra on the 1st of October. This is the first of a series of five New Moons at 8° of their respective signs. Being in Libra, this will be all about relationships and fairness. And, being a New Moon of course it could be the start of a new relationship for some or a new beginning in an existing relationship for others but it could also be about any kind of relationship depending on the house where it falls in your chart and the aspect it may or may not make to any personal planets or angles. It could also be a good time to see things from the other [...]

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    the horoscopes for October are now posted on the horoscope page

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    I attended a class a couple of years ago about synastry in couples and each participant was given two charts to compare. Mine were Pitt and Jolie!! So here’s the write-up I did at that time. With Jolie’s Gemini Sun conjunct Pitt’s DC in his 7th house there will be a fascinating attraction between the two that is difficult to break; she mirrors thetraits he looks for in a one-to-one relationship which are above all communication, intelligence and a certain “emotional non-involvement”. Her Sun is also exactly square his Virgo Pluto, she is jealous, rebellious [...]

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