• let’s take a walk on the wild side……. So, what does it mean for a planet to be OOB? When we cast an astrological chart we use a precise locality (birth place) on the earth and from this observation point we take note of the position of the planets in the sky at the time of birth and this enables us to calculate the angles that the planets form to the given locality. Another point of reference however is the celestial equator (which is the terrestrial equator elongated into space). When planets travel beyond 23°27’ either side of the celestial equator, be it North or South, they are[...]

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    On May 10th there will be a Full Moon at 20°24’ in the Fixed, Water sign of Scorpio. Full Moons are also known to be times when things climax, when we decide that enough is enough for certain aspects of our life because we avert an intensified conflict between two major areas of our life and we need to find a way to honour both. They shine a light on the area that is “hidden” and in this case, in traditional astrology, all matters concerning the 8th house and the sign of Scorpio. The axis involved is the 8th-2nd and involves questions such as: the saboteur vs the constructor, [...]

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    April 30, 2017

    May horoscopes now posted on the horoscopes page!

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    The transiting nodes are reality checks on our soul path… On May 9th, the Lunar Nodes will ingress the Leo/Aquarius axis after having been in the Virgo/Pisces polarity since 12th November 2015. So the modality will change from Mutable (Earth-Water) to Fixed (Fire-Air) and the Leo “I” will become prominent during the next two years whilst the Aquarian area of your chart is where you’ll find difficulty in leaving your comfort zone. In the house where the North Node will be transiting in your chart you will be able to note the area of opportunity where rewards and happiness can be [...]

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    ….get grounded and let go of those hurting feelings It’s time to set your intentions for the New Moon at 6°27’ Taurus that will occur on the 26th April. The Moon is exalted in this Venus-ruled, Fixed Earth sign. The New Moon falls on the 2-8th axis of the traditional zodiac (Taurus-Scorpio) which involves matters such as security vs temptation, calm vs crisis, sex vs taboos etc. It is significant for those who have planets or angles between 5-8° of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. So, part of our intentions for this moment might involve building things (projects, [...]

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    exploring the dark to find the light…… Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2008 and this is the ninth retrograde period since then. The planet will station retrograde at 19°23’ on 20th April and backtrack to 16°51’ where it will station direct on 28th September. The retrograde period will affect those persons with planets and/or angles in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn between 24°-11° (allow a 5° orb applying and a 3° separating, Pluto transits are long). Look to the house axis where Pluto is transiting in your chart for indications of [...]

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    After the 20-day retrograde period, Venus stations direct at 26°55’ Pisces where it will conjunct Chiron and square retrograde Saturn. So the direct motion starts with still some doubts (Saturn) about our self-worth/values/relationships (Venus) and perhaps old hurts (Chiron) still festering under the surface for many. It could also be a great time to finally believe (Sagittarius) in ourselves and build (Saturn) upon our dreams (Pisces) to follow the things/persons we really love (Venus). The Sabian symbol for 27° Pisces: “The harvest moon illuminates a clear autumn sky.” [...]

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    time to open our hearts…… The Full Moon will occur at 21°33’ Libra, a Cardinal, Air sign ruled by Venus. It will be on the antiscion point of the last Solar Eclipse which took place at 8° Pisces on the 26th February which in turn was opposite the Solar Eclipse at 9° Virgo on September 1st last year. Things or events that came up with the September eclipse may have been brought to your attention again in February and now be reaching a culmination of sorts with this Full Moon. Have you noticed this? Full Moons are when matters climax, they are “now or never” moments [...]

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    Discerning the “could be” from the “might be”…. Mercury starts its second retrograde period of the year at 4°50’ Taurus and backtracks to 24°16’ Aries where it again stops in its tracks on 3rd May to station direct. Astrologer Erin Sullivan explains the retrograde cycle: “Mercury’s stations always occur when the planet is farthest from the Sun in longitude so when it appears stationary, it is either travelling toward or directly away from the Earth. When Mercury is at its greatest eastern elongation (Epimetheus) it appears as an evening star and is stationary [...]

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    Pondering life’s choices…… Saturn will remain in Sagittarius until December this year when it will enter Capricorn, the sign it rules. It will station retrograde at 27°47’ and will backtrack to 21°10’ where it will station direct on 25th August. Sagittarius is the sign of optimism and faith, its ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of width, he who pushes us to go further, be it mentally or physically. This is the sign of the traveller, the one who loves other cultures and faiths, the seeker of the truth. Saturn is the planet of depth, the one who wants to limit, restrict and[...]

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