“It was my letting go that gave me a better hold.” Chris Matakas There will be a New Moon at 15°45’ of Aquarius, a fixed, Air sign on the 4th of February, this is the fifth in a series of seven New Moons in a row at 15° of the relative monthly sign. Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius and dispositor of the lunation is at the midway point of Capricorn and sextile Neptune…it’s easier now to ground those fantasies and make them real. Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius is at the end of its stay in Aries and Mars is swiftly approaching a conjunction to it…things will [...]

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    And things suddenly get serious as we jostle lust with ambition, the need for control with prestige and respect and the eternal (for Capricorn) battle between private and public. Dates to watch: 17 Feb – sextile Neptune (15°30’) – romantic and creative imagination runs high 18 Feb – conjunct Saturn (16°46’) – love and money issues are kept in check 23 Feb – conjunct Pluto (22°17’) –   infatuation comes easily, control also 01 Mar – square Uranus (29°49’) –  a good day for flirting and even better for spending   Artwork: myskypie2019

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    THE SATURN STORY (yours!)

    Saturn will hit the half-way mark (15°) of its journey through Capricorn on the 1st of February, repeating over this degree in retrograde motion at the end of July/beginning August and forward motioning over the same degree for the third and last time at the end of October/beginning November. I thought this might be a good time to hear what effect the Saturn transit has had on those people with personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn itself) in the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). The most noticeable aspects are the more difficult ones so [...]

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    …. Less me and more we? Early morning (GMT) on the 21st January there will be the first Lunar Eclipse of 2019 at 00°52’ in the fiery sign of Leo, the “look at me and respect me” sign whilst the Sun in Aquarius encourages us to take a less egoistical view of the world. It will be the first of three super Moons in a row since it is at its closest to the Earth during these lunar phases, it will also be the last eclipse along the Leo-Aquarius axis, the next ones will start in 2036. The last lunar eclipse* around this degree was at 01° Leo on January 21st 2000. What was happening [...]

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    On the 13th of January Jupiter will form a square aspect to Neptune at 15° (Sagittarius-Pisces). This is the final square before the conjunction of the two planets that will occur at 24° Pisces on the 22nd April 2022. A Jupiter-Neptune conjunction takes place approximately every 13 years. Both planets are in their home signs, doubly so, since Jupiter is also the traditional ruler of Pisces, Neptune being assigned as its co-ruler several years after its discovery in 1846. The square is an aspect of tension and often manifests as an achievement coming from frustration thus forcing us [...]

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    With 5 planets and the Lunar South Node now in Capricorn could this be the test-drive for the great Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020? Is this a celestial nudge for each of us to accept responsibility for our own actions or will we continue to play the blame-game until events spin completely out of our hands? On the 6th of January there will be a New Moon and partial Solar Eclipse at 15°25’ in the sign of Capricorn, this is the fourth in a series of seven New Moons in a row at 15° of the relative monthly sign. The series started on 9th October 2018 with the New Moon at 15° Libra and [...]

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    ….a suddenly serious mood Mercury barges out of Sagittarius with the usual bluntness and awkwardness that often characterises his sojourn there and bounces into Capricorn. The planet went OOB just before his ingress in Capricorn and will maintain his wild-card characteristic until the 18th January when he inbounds once again. After fun-loving Sagittarius this will certainly hit him with force, dampening his mood and deepening his thoughts and encouraging all of us to think, plan and talk in a much more serious fashion but let’s not lose our sense of humour altogether please! [...]

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    …no stopping me now! Mars will enter its home sign of Aries just as the New Year kicks in. Giving us all a hands-on, get-out-there-and-do-it start to the year, the planet will leave Aries for Taurus on the 14th February. In the natal theme Mars represents our basic drive, our energy, the way we act thus our assertiveness and our anger. We experience our first Mars return at age 2 years and this is when we learn to assert ourselves by saying “NO” to everything and everyone. It is at this age that we learn how to control our Mars function or not if no-one is there to direct our [...]

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    WHAT’S IN STORE FOR 2019? Here’s just a brief summary of what might be in store for each of the zodiacal signs over the next year. Please note that this is a GENERAL OUTLOOK treating each Sun sign as if it was without aspects in a fictitious natal chart and considering only the conjunction, opposition and square.     CARDINAL SIGNS – ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA, CAPRICORN 00-07° Jupiter in Capricorn – look for opportunities and grab them (December 2019) 10-25° Saturn in Capricorn – time for a reality check and an adjustment on a personal level (all year) [...]

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    The Planet Earth in the Natal Horoscope

    Before the Festivities begin I’m reposting an article that appeared in my blog in 2015…it’s also a tiny introduction into the world of esoteric astrology. The Planet Earth in the Natal Horoscope What’s it like to be an Earthling? When we were born the Sun was in a certain sign of the zodiac and the Earth was in the sign exactly opposite this. Eg.: Aries Sun and Libra Earth, Cancer Sun and Capricorn Earth etc. Following this reasoning, we might assume that we are spiritual entities born into a physical environment, such as the body we inhabit. We need to make a [...]

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