• gemini moonA balancing act may be needed…..

    There will be a New Moon at 14°53’ of the mutable Air sign of Gemini on the 5th of June.

    This is a very inquisitive, intellectual Moon, hard to pin down emotionally due to its constantly changing feelings caused by its tendency to over-rationalise everything. Under pressure this Moon is not very reliable and commitment issues may surface.

    New Moons are times when we are invited to set our intentions for the month to come regarding that area of our life which the Moon is illuminating in this lunar phase.

    In his book “Moon Phase Astrology”, author Raven Kaldera calls this New Moon “The Little Brother’s Moon” because Gemini is the traditional ruler of the third house that also involves siblings. For Kaldera this Moon phase in Gemini represents “the younger sibling who lives in his mind and not in the physical world since although he is intensely clever, compassion is unknown to him.”

    He continues “on this Moon we indulge our curiosity, the nervous energy associated with it can affect already highly strung people to the point of a nervous breakdown and concentration becomes difficult so it is more worthwhile to go out with friends rather than stay at home worrying.”

    This New Moon is particularly significant for the aspect it forms, or rather completes. There is an on-going mutable T-square (an opposition in which both ends are square to a third planet) in the sky which will continue for another couple of months.

    We have Jupiter in Virgo in opposition to Neptune in Pisces and both are square to retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, the Gemini New Moon completes the Grand mutable Cross or Square by filling in the empty leg of the T-square which is opposite retrograde Saturn.

    In the traditional zodiac these planets are found in 6th (Jupiter), 12th (Neptune), 9th (Saturn) and 3rd (Moon) houses, which are all cadent. Cadent houses were thought by ancient astrologers to be of weak impact on one’s life but more modern theories (particularly the Gauquelin’s studies) have posited that these houses have most impact on one’s inner life.

    When a planet moves in to fill the empty leg in a T-Square formation it gives an exit or solution to the dilemma posed by the T-square and simultaneously forms a Grand Square.

    So, the Jupiter-Neptune opposition invites us to dissolve boundaries and dream big whilst paying attention to the details, their square to Saturn requires us to search for the truth and have clear convictions with less scattering of mental or psychic energies. The Gemini Moon-Sun provides the opportunity to communicate our deepest feelings to others on a gut level so as to make our views clear. However, these visions or ideas may still be “work in progress” as the Gemini Moon’s natural instability is further boosted by the flexibility of the mutable signs in which the four planets are to be found. Not an easy configuration to navigate at all. Plus, Venus is also closely conjunct the Moon and Sun and opposite Saturn and although this adds a more pleasant aspect as it opens our heart to the truth we are searching for it also provides us with an accurate dose of reality.

    The clue to successfully managing this Grand Square could be to pay attention to those areas in our life that all four of the planets in question are touching so as not to lose ourselves in just one or two areas and neglect the others.

    People most affected by this formation will be those with planets or angles in the middle degrees (13-16) of the mutable signs.

    Can you do a balancing act of this kind?

    The Sabian symbol for 15 Gemini is: “Two Dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge.”  Indicating the need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals.

    Remember: “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Galileo Galilei


    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 30-32, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Lewis J.R. (2003) The Astrology Book, p.107 e 266-268, Visible Ink Press, Canton MI USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 99, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Image: source: pbs.twimg.com/media Gemini Moon