• Mercury enters Leo

    All I’m askin’, is for a little respect when you get home (just a little bit)”*

    After a short stay in the homely sign of Cancer, Mercury now enters flamboyant Leo.

    In Leo, all planets want to be respected according to their nature. Mercury in Leo wants to be respected for his opinions and views and in desiring this, self-confidence often turns into bravado and presumption.

    Mercury will make the following aspects:

    1 August: opposite Saturn R (10°): critical thinking, don’t turn this on yourself though, could also indicate slow movement too.

    4 August: square Uranus (14°): great ideas and innovative plans some of which will be worthwhile others less so. It’s also an accident-prone aspect so slow down and take some time to smell the roses!

    11 August: opposite Jupiter R (28°): feeling good but don’t be smug.

    “Make improvements, not excuses. Seek respect, not attention.” Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart


    Copyright: myskypie.com2021

    *lyrics from Aretha Franklin’s “Respect” song