• heading home…right?

    There will be a partial Solar Eclipse and a New Moon at 20°41’ Cancer on the 13th of July.

    This is the third of five eclipses this year. Eclipses take place when the Sun, Moon and Earth find themselves closely aligned.

    Something worth noting is the fact that transiting Pluto has been opposing this eclipse degree since February and will continue to do so until August. If we have natal planets around 19-23° on the Cancer-Capricorn axis (and the Aries-Libra one) of our chart then we should have got used to this energy and already know in which sectors of our life we are losing/abusing our power by now.

    The Eclipse is forming a wide Grand Water Trine together with Jupiter in Scorpio (now direct) and Neptune still retrograde in Pisces…emotions are running high (and deep) but not always smoothly or in the direction we hope with transformative Pluto making a sextile (a stimulating aspect) to both retrograde planets.

    Although of different Saros* series, eclipses occur at similar degrees of the same sign in 18-year cycles as they move in a retrograde motion through the zodiac. Thus they have effect on the same house polarity in your natal chart (or on any personal planets or angles in Cancer and/or Capricorn that fall in a 2°30’ orb for conjunctions, 2° for oppositions, allowing 5° if Sun or Moon is involved).

    However, in this 18-year cycle (Saros* series 2 Old North, last eclipse of this series will be in 2036) with a previous Lunar eclipse in January 2001 at 20° Cancer (Saros* series 2 South) there was also a more recent and intermediate Solar eclipse at 19° Cancer which took place on the 11th July 2010 (Saros* series “12 South”) – what was going on in your life in 2001 and 2010?

    The effects of eclipses can be quite unpredictable (a “what-the-heck effect”), sometimes stressing emotions or bringing unexpected events into our lives, at other times they can go seemingly unnoticed. Some astrologers say that the effects of the eclipses manifest for as long as the duration of the eclipse itself, transmuting the minutes of the duration into days.

    For those who want to know more about eclipses and the Saros cycles here’s a tiny bit of history (repeated from one of my previous articles):

    The Babylonians (747 BC) were able to predict the cyclic nature of the eclipses and by the 4th century BC had recognized that they occurred in series, later denominated the Saros Series by the Greek lexicographer Suidas in the 10th century AD.

    Bernadette Brady, an Australian astrologer, in her book “The Eagle and the Lark”, dedicates a whole chapter to the Saros* Series. She explains that the Saros Series of the present Solar Eclipse is known as “2 Old North” and, due to the nature and aspects of the planets involved (if they aspect directly any of your natal planets), is directly concerned with personal relationships.

    Esoteric astrologer Alan Oken writes that a solar eclipse represents “liberations from previous circumstances” while acknowledging that this may not always be to one’s liking. In other words, a solar eclipse can free you from something which could be a blessing in disguise.

    Events connected to an eclipse can manifest before or after the event or when a following New Moon or other planet squares the eclipse degree. You may have noticed events connected with the eclipse around the 10th of April when the Sun was at 20° Aries or you may notice events taking place around the 14th of October when the Sun will be at 20° Libra.  A date to watch perhaps!

    The Sabian symbol for 21° Cancer: “A famous singer is proving her virtuosity during an operatic performance.” Indicating the emotional reward accompanying cultural excellence.

    For its antiscion point at 10° Gemini: “An airplane performing a nose dive.” Indicating a superior ability to challenge nature and play with danger.

    My own chart will be particularly interested in this upcoming eclipse with natal Venus at 19° Cancer and progressed Mars at 20°! Having said this, I really don’t know what to expect either!

    “The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none.” Quote found on healthyplace…com

    Is your chart involved in this eclipse? Like to tell your story?


    Brady B (1999) “Predictive Astrology, The Eagle and The Lark”, chapter 5 Eclipses and Saros Cycle, pp 207-236 and pp 307-352, Red Wheel/Weiser LLC, San Francisco CA USA

    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 58-61, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp 95 and 124, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    http://www.alanoken.com/index.php?page=newsletter, March 9th Solar Eclipse accessed 27th February 2016


    Image: Cancer – Arab Moon illustration


    Hi, This solar eclipse will be conjunct my IC in the 2nd house (diverted MC). I am not able to find any interpretation for this on the internet. Any ideas? Many thanks G x

    Hi Geraldine, I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand your question, how can your IC be in your second house? Is it your progressed IC? Lynn