• Mercury and Venus in CancerVENUS AND MERCURY ENTER CANCER

    Less than three hours apart, first Venus and then Mercury enter the motherly sign of Cancer. Both planets are also OOB until 28-29 June.

    Venus in Cancer: the caring partner or the stingy lover?

    The most motherly of signs welcomes the most loving of planets and it looks like we’re in for just over three weeks of tender, caring love or are we?

    One of the images of Venus in Cancer is certainly that of the romantic figure forever in love with Prince or Princess Charming. Venus, of course, doesn’t rule only love, it also covers, among many things, finances, self-esteem and all the things that gratify us. Venus responds to everything that makes us feel good, comfortable and happy. In traditional astrology Venus is known as the Lesser Benefic and considered a fortunate planet. The sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon and its fluctuating phases, lends a rather restless nature to any transiting planet.

    So, in Cancer, we may find not only a clingy, maternal Venus but also a fickle one, never completely happy with his or her lot, never sure about how much to give unconditionally.  Venus here is more compassionate than actually physically passionate. Viewing this placement from a “giving” point of view we might like to remember that the glyph for Cancer is a crab and (hermit) crabs retreat into their shells when their security is threatened likewise Venus in Cancer never gives totally (be it about love or money)…self-security is far more important than surrendering completely and ending up defenceless or moneyless.

    Mercury in Cancer: poetry or intolerance?

    Being a Water sign, Cancer is far too emotional for “all-in-my-head” Mercury and with the planet being OOB for most of its stay there may mean that we have an overflow of rationality when it comes to sentiments and feelings becoming intolerant at times or, our poetic vein and story-telling could reach new heights!

    The two planets will make the following aspects during their stay in Cancer:

    21 June: Mercury sextile Mars (09°12’ Cancer-Taurus) – tactically clever.

    26 June: Mercury trine Saturn (19°25’  Cancer-Pisces) – a good day to be alone with your own thoughts.

    28-29 June: Venus sextile Mars (14°39’ Cancer-Taurus) – express your individuality by getting involved with others be this emotionally or financially.

    29-30 June: Mercury sextile Uranus (25°40’ Cancer-Taurus) – a quick grasp on our intellect could further us along well but we could also become confused by so many quick thoughts coming in at once.

    02 July: Mercury trine Neptune SR (29°55’ Cancer-Pisces) – a good moment for day-dreaming.

    02-03 July: Venus trine Saturn R (19°25’ Cancer-Pisces) – any relationship/financial problems you have could be tackled positively under this transit.

    08 July: Venus sextile Uranus (26°02’ Cancer-Taurus) – party time!

    11 July: Venus trine Neptune R (29°54’ Cancer-Pisces) – pull out that creativity in whatever sector feels right for you.

    Thoughts for Venus in Cancer:

    “O, swear not by the moon, the fickle moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.” William Shakespeare

    Thoughts for Mercury in Cancer:

    “I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything.” – Steven Wright

    Artwork: myskypie2024


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