….“The Storyteller’s Moon”
The Full Moon will occur at 27°28’ Gemini (antiscion 2°32’ Cancer) on the 18th or 19th December depending upon where you find yourself in the world.
Gemini Moons are by nature restless and have the innate curiosity typical to Gemini, however the lunation chart itself has a preponderance of planets in the Earth signs with only one planet in the Water signs. Fidgety needs to be grounded. The Modalities are evenly distributed so at least there we should find some kind of balance.
The Moon is OOB adding even more restlessness and is trine to Jupiter (dispositor of the Sun) which could support emotions getting totally out of control. Moon’s dispositor is an OOB Mercury in Capricorn applying a trine aspect to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Mercury in Capricorn is serious and ambitious, it’s OOB status could add ruthlessness and cunning if it has its sights set on something big, Uranus could facilitate all this with out-of-the-box improvisations or, on the contrary, the whole thing could blow up in Mercury’s face. Moon is also contro-parallel Mercury, emotions are highly strung but thoughts and projects are very well planned, which will be the winning strategy? Mercury is also conjunct the Fixed Star Facies, ruthlessness or being the victim are some of the interpretations of this star.
The OOB Moon is quincunx the Venus-Pluto conjunction.
Sun is parallel Pluto giving more intensity to its Sagittarian traits.
Venus is separating from its recent conjunction to Pluto and is stationing before turning retrograde.
Mars is antiscion Pluto and approaching a sextile to Saturn.
Pluto could be a game changer in this lunation with two high energy planets (Sun and Mars) and an OOB Moon making contact from less than obvious aspects. The quincunx from Moon to Venus-Pluto needs action to be resolved, monetary strategies need to be more flexible and wealth should be spread out in a more rational way. Since this is an 8th house quincunx and thus has the flavour of those house matters (transformation, other people’s finances, death and rebirth) we might say that on a global level the people (Moon) have been exasperated (OOB Moon) for far too long by the plutocrats (Venus-Pluto) and now may be the time to react and resolve or balance this situation. The antiscion to Mars acts like a mirror reflecting the energies back and forth between the planets, the parallel to Sun acts like a conjunction. Someone will be wielding tremendous power and someone else will have to yield to that power and a huge amount of violence (Mars-Pluto-Saturn) could result from all this somewhere in the world.
Full moons are when matters that have been simmering under the surface emerge to be dealt with. This lunation occurs on the 3rd-9th house axis (Gemini-Sagittarius) in traditional astrology; how I think vs how they think, short trips vs long journeys, reason vs intuition etc. Both signs are concerned with gathering and spreading knowledge as well as education and travel.
It will most affect those with planets or angles in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces between 25-30°.
Author Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this Full Moon in Gemini
“The Storyteller’s Moon”
He writes that this is an excellent time to enjoy a good book or movie, to sit around with friends confiding your life story or to start a diary where you jot down your most intimate and heartfelt truths about yourself.
The Sabian symbol for 28° Gemini: “Through bankruptcy, society gives to an overburdened individual the opportunity to being again.” Indicating a release from unbearable pressures, freeing one for new tasks.
For the antiscion at 3° Cancer: “A man bundled in fur leads a shaggy deer.” Indicating the need to overcome stagnation and “cold” during trial of endurance.
“In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” Lee Iacocca
Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 196-199, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA
Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp 107, 111, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA