• A balancing act may be needed….. There will be a New Moon at 14°53’ of the mutable Air sign of Gemini on the 5th of June. This is a very inquisitive, intellectual Moon, hard to pin down emotionally due to its constantly changing feelings caused by its tendency to over-rationalise everything. Under pressure this Moon is not very reliable and commitment issues may surface. New Moons are times when we are invited to set our intentions for the month to come regarding that area of our life which the Moon is illuminating in this lunar phase. In his book “Moon Phase Astrology”, [...]

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    After the quest for truth begins the real psychological depth of this retrograde period… Mars has been in retrograde motion in the Fire sign of Sagittarius since the 17th of April now, on May 28th , he enters one of his own signs and the most profound one at that. Retrograde periods for Mars occur once every two years and since he can be a trouble maker for many whilst in direct motion he could reveal himself to be even so more during his retrograde season. You may have been feeling depleted energetically during this last six weeks or so as you get used to the deeper psychological [...]

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    Possibly a rather fractious Moon…… There will be a full Moon at 1°14’ of Sagittarius, a mutable Fire sign on the 21st of May. The Sagittarius Moon is usually a jovial, quest-searching entity that desires, above all, truth and something to believe in. It also loves freedom and is easily motivated. This Full Moon falls on the 9th-3rd axis of the traditional horoscope. It’s about wisdom vs knowledge, intuition vs reason, long vs short journeys, morality vs amorality etc. If you have planets or angles at 1-2° of the mutable signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces then this [...]

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    Anyone else?

    8 May 2016

    Over the last few weeks I’ve met quite a variety of people who’ve declared that they’re just not willing to tolerate BS in their life anymore (I’m one of them too). I think that with five out of ten planets now in retrograde motion this is a wonderful opportunity that the Universe (or God) is giving us to delve deep down inside ourselves and discover what is working and what is not in our life. Also with Jupiter about to go direct tomorrow this seems like the right time to get rid of the wrong things/people in our lives once and for all. Are you feeling this too?  Care to [...]

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    It’s now time to take that leap of faith…… Jupiter, or Zeus as the ancient Greeks knew him, was the King of the Olympian gods. He was omniscient; knowing and seeing everything as well as dispensing good and evil not only in the Heavens but also among the mortals on the Earth. Although married to a very jealous spouse (Hera) he managed nevertheless to have many extra-marital affairs with goddesses and mortals alike thus producing an incredible number of children who he always left to be raised by others. So we associate Jupiter with growth, expansion and luck which, if exaggerated, [...]

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    ….be honest….create firm foundations It’s time to set your intentions for the New Moon at 16°41 Taurus that will occur on the 6th of May. The Moon is exalted in this Venus-ruled, Fixed Earth sign. It is the 3rd in a row of super New Moons, a time when the Moon is at its nearest orbit to our planet, so expect emotional ebbs and flows to be intensified together with tides and earth movements. The New Moon falls on the 2-8th axis of the traditional zodiac (Taurus-Scorpio) which involves matters such as security vs temptation, calm vs crisis, sex vs taboos etc. It is significant [...]

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