• I suggest you read your Sun and Rising sign.


    Jupiter hurtling through Aquarius and your 11th house of friends and groups will sextile your first house Sun from mid-December 2020 to mid-May to go retrograde and then forward over the last decan until the end of the year: this should help life flow in the right direction especially if any legal matters are involved. Moreover, the first half of the sign will also have Saturn in a sextile aspect to your first house Sun throughout the year, again in your 11th house, and this could bring merits and recognitions, providing you put in the effort, of course. Pluto, in your 8th house since 2008, will affect only the last decan of this sign and could bring transformation through work or a change in your social status due to fluctuations in your financial sphere.


    A busy year ahead! Jupiter transiting your 10th house of social status and career will give each of you a chance to shine, perhaps with financial benefits for some of the luckier ones. Whereas Saturn’s transit of the same house could mean extra responsibilities for the first half of the sign – having to buckle under and ride the storm, so to speak. The simultaneous conjunction of Uranus for those of you who have your first house Sun in the first 15° of the sign suggests that things may not go exactly as planned, in fact not planning may be the best plan. There should be some respite for the last decan of the sign since the sextile to your first house Sun from Neptune in your 11th house will make you realise just how important friends and groups are to you. The last decan of the sign has an easy trine from Pluto in your 9th house indicating that ideals and personal dogmas are undergoing huge changes.


    The trine to your first house Sun from Jupiter and Saturn both in transiting your 9th house of ideals, foreign interests including journeys, law and in-laws makes for a stimulating year in these areas with good fortune and the right amount of self-awareness. For the third decan, Neptune in Pisces, transiting your 10th house and squaring your first house Sun, could still be clouding the picture, making you a little unsure of how to proceed or which path to follow. Learn to lean into the difficulties and fathom out the doubts as they crop up. All in all, a fairly easy year compared to the other Sun signs.


    A desire for a new and dynamic lifestyle suddenly becomes an opportunity for change with Uranus in sextile to your first house Sun and Neptune in a trine to the last decan. The areas of life involved are 11th house, friends and associations as well as new ideals, travel could also be part of the picture perhaps in a figurative if not in a real dimension. So, expect to change the old for the new, perhaps by embracing a totally new concept of thinking and believing as you incorporate new ways of looking at things into your mindset. The opposition from Pluto in your 7th house to the last decan of your first house Sun reminds you that power issues relating to partnerships (of all kinds) could still be a very real part of your life.


    Partnerships of all kinds will be under fire this year, the Jupiter opposition to your first house Sun from your 7th house, involving all the degrees of the sign, could make you extend your boundaries a little too much and the additional opposition from Saturn to the first decan of your first house Sun will soon make reality hit in too. Uranus, in the mid degrees of Taurus and your 10th of social standing and career, squaring the initial 15 degrees of your first house Sun will only shake things up even more in the relationship/career/social standing arenas of your life, make sure that you know what you’re doing!


    With Uranus trine the first 15 degrees of your first house Sun all year long and in your 9th house you can expect some creative new experiences especially if you’re interested in learning something new and willing to step outside of your usual routine. The trine from Pluto from your 5th house to the last decan of your first house Sun also promises transformative experiences in the way you enjoy yourself. Perhaps a new lover, child or a new-found passion or whatever and you will be on top of these areas in your life. The third decan of your first house Sun sign however will still have to contend with uncertainty as Neptune continues the opposition from your 7th house, this is mainly about how you present yourself to the world and in particular how you appear to others.


    An easier year for most of you! Thanks to the year-long trine of Jupiter in your 5th house to your first house Sun, optimism will certainly reign for the majority and there could be a lot of fun too. The simultaneous trine aspect from Saturn also in your 5th house to the first decan of your Sun sign likewise supports your actions, be these in the home, in your way of communicating or concerning your creative talents and passions. Only the last decan has the square from Pluto in your 4th house to the first house Sun and this will require some sacrifice to your private life versus your public image and perhaps some revolution in your finances as new ways of living and earning delineate a clearer path.


    Jupiter transiting your 4th house in a square aspect to your first house Sun could indicate a house move or a resolution of existing domestic problems. The simultaneous square from Saturn to the first decan of your first house Sun could indicate dealing with those domestic problems in a definite way. The opposition from Uranus in your 7th house to your first house Sun suggests that the first 15 degrees of the sign will still be experiencing unexpected problems in relationships, possibly concerning issues of liberty and freedom, yours or your partner’s. The easy trine from Neptune in your 5th house should provide some welcome some respite to the last decan. The sextile from Pluto in your 3rd of communications and mental attitudes suggests that the last decan may also need to change their mindset and that they will have the opportunity and power necessary to do this.


    With ruler Jupiter transiting your 3rd house of communications, siblings and short journeys and in a sextile to your first house Sun all year round, you should be fairly optimistic about the future. The first decade will also have the opportunity to put down solid bases and move ahead in life thanks to the simultaneous sextile of Saturn to your first house Sun. The last decan of the sign however could encounter an identity crisis, especially with regard to home and family/career and public position due to the square aspect from Neptune in your 4th house to your first house Sun sign. It’s the year for deciding who you are and what you want.


    Only the last decan will experience huge changes to their present lifestyle, probably concerning power issues involving groups and friendships which could all change dramatically as Pluto conjoins your first house Sun. Uranus in a trine aspect to your first house Sun from your 5th house could also introduce unexpected but probably positive changes to your finances linked to children, your creative talents or even a lover. The last decade also has an easy sextile from Neptune to your first house Sun and this could bring up opportunities to transcend any limitations on your life that you’ve been putting up with or that you have always accepted as a given in the past.


    Both Saturn (your traditional ruler) and Jupiter have recently entered your first house Sun sign. Feeling upbeat and enthusiastic about life will be part of the picture this year. However, the first decan will also have the Saturn-Sun conjunction which occurs every 28-30 years, the completion of a cycle and the commencement of another. Choose your path well. The first 15 degrees of your first house Sun will also receive a square aspect from Uranus (your modern ruler) transiting your 4th house of family and roots. Usually, Uranus upsets the apple cart and then Saturn comes along to clear up and put the mess in order, so the chaos will eventually become organised. If you remain flexible (not your strong point) and play your cards well then this could be the start of a very transformative and wonderful period.


    Similar to the other Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) this should be an easier year. Uranus and Pluto both sextile (Uranus from the 3rd and Pluto from the 11th houses) in the mid and latter degrees of your first house Sun, will open up your mind to new concepts, ideas and groups of like-minded people. Your modern ruler Neptune will conjoin the last decan of your first house Sun granting creativity (artistic and/or spiritual) – both talents which Pisces Suns have by nature. This year tune in to your own wavelength!





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