• Venus enters VirgoVENUS ENTERS VIRGO 

    Miss Modesty

    Venus in Virgo intellectualises love and intimacy and is also pretty good at maths when it comes to managing finances so keeping a check on over-spending could be a welcome (and necessary for some of us) break after the Leo extravagance.

    This rationalisation or intellectualisation of what we most treasure takes away something from our intrinsic affectional make-up thus making us appear “cold”, irritable and highly strung.

    Virgo needs to express love in a practical way so how about cooking something delicious for our loved ones or treating ourselves to a relaxing massage?

    Venus Virgo can also be quite prudish although with the Virgo desire to “get things right” they could likewise be an expert in seduction and many of them are.

    Venus will make the following aspects during the transit through Virgo:

    18-19 August: square Jupiter (17°21 Virgo-Gemini) and opposite Saturn R (17°21’ Virgo-Pisces) forming a Mutable T-Square with a Jupiter apex: Virgo is about detail, Pisces is about losing oneself in the whole (Saturn is very out of synch in Pisces and retrograde) and Jupiter in Gemini wants to know more and more and more: this could be a very exhausting day for the Mutable signs.

    22-23 August: square Mars (22°08’ Virgo-Gemini): Mars could get very frustrated trying to put all that energy into the small details that Venus craves.

    27 August: trine Uranus (27°14’ Virgo-Taurus): do something different but do feel comfortable about it!

    28 August: opposite Neptune R (29°08’ Virgo-Pisces): lost in translation!

    The planet is moving very slowly as it enters Virgo ready to station retrograde during the next couple of days.

    Artwork: myskypie2024
