• Venus in PiscesVENUS ENTERS PISCES

    On 2-3 January, Venus, the planet of love, romance, harmony and values, glides into the sign of Pisces, where it is exalted. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (traditional) and Neptune (modern).

    So, we may be lost in a realm of fantasy, washed over by feelings of love and happiness, dreaming of a lottery win, happy in the company of all and capable of seducing all, not really in tune with reality. Relax whilst you can!

    Venus will make the following aspects during its stay in Pisces:

    14 January: square Jupiter R (11°59’ Pisces-Gemini) – don’t spend all your money in the January sales although there may be some good bargains on the racks!

    18-19 January: conjunct Saturn (16°05’ Pisces) – a down from spending or giving too much perhaps?

    25 January: trine Mars R (22°25’ Pisces-Cancer) – a romantic encounter might be possible for those looking.

    26 January: sextile Uranus (23°16’ Pisces-Taurus), romance and finances may receive a boost as life gets exciting again especially since Venus is still in trine with Mars.

    01 February: conjunct Neptune (27°59’ Pisces), dreams really could be too good to be true.

    “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” Philip K. Dick


    Artwork: myskypie2025

    Copyright: my-sky-pie2025






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