• Venus in CapricornVENUS ENTERS CAPRICORN

    From frivolous and gaudy to self-possessed and distinct. Social propriety and etiquette, at least on a public level, mean a lot to this rather ambitious placement for Venus, less so perhaps in the bedroom, but that is a side that Venus Capricorn would prefer to keep private!

    Venus’s contours are finely chiselled and with a distinct “no frills attached” attitude in this serious sign. Ambition is often part of the picture too.

    Although in daytime triplicity and in its own term from 0-5°59’ this nevertheless doesn’t seem to be the best placement for a pre-festive period Venus but it will prep us for the planet’s next stay in Aquarius (from 2-3 January 2023) where cool and collected usually has a lot of social appeal!

    Venus will be OOB until 24 December, the wild-card effect could be quite marked during this period.

    Dates to watch:

    December 22 (15°21’): Venus trine Uranus retrograde – enlivening entertainment

    December 28 (22°48’) Venus sextile Neptune – romantic and creative imagination runs high

    December 27 Venus//Pluto and December 31 Venus conjunct Pluto (27°39’)- infatuation comes easily, control also.

    “Reasoning is hard to practice compared to the capacity of sentiments, but when practiced, it opens up new gateways of perception.” Abhijit Naskar, Build Bridges not Walls: In the name of Americana


    Artwork: myskypie2022


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