From frivolous and gaudy to self-possessed and distinct. Social propriety and etiquette, at least on a public level, mean a lot to this rather ambitious placement for Venus, less so perhaps in the bedroom, but that is a side that Venus Capricorn would prefer to keep private!
Venus’s contours are finely chiselled and with a distinct “no frills attached” attitude in this serious sign. Ambition is often part of the picture too.
This doesn’t seem to be the best placement for a pre-festive period Venus but it will prep us for the planet’s next stay in Aquarius (from 7th December) where cool and collected usually has a lot of social appeal!
Venus will be OOB until 12th December, the wild-card effect could be quite marked during this period.
Dates to watch (all dates GMT):
November 28th (03°24’): Venus trine Uranus retrograde – enlivening entertainment
December 8th (15°57’) Venus sextile Neptune – romantic and creative imagination runs high
December 11th (19°04’) Venus conjunct Saturn – love and money issues are kept in check
December 13th (21°48’) Venus conjunct Pluto – infatuation comes easily, control also
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