• Venus in AriesVENUS ENTERS ARIES 

    Love at first sight…

    Venus, the planet of values (what WE value and desire), love and finances, enters the sign of Aries on the 4th of February. It will not complete its journey through Aries since Venus stations retrograde on 01-02 March at 10°50 Aries (antiscion 19°10 Virgo).

    In Aries, Venus is in her mythical lover’s den (one of them, the other being in Scorpio).

    Venus in Aries is full of bravado, actually she always gets what she wants in any sign, but her she’s more open and adventurous in Aries, sexual, but perhaps not sensuous, and certainly not “comfy” here. Aries and Scorpio are in fact the signs where Venus is in her detriment, where she is at least at ease in her surroundings.

    So, since Venus deals with values of some kind we might want to acknowledge that these include our self-esteem too. In fact, there is a lovely observation in the book “Planets” edited by Joan McEvers which quotes astrologer Robert Glasscock as stating:

    “The glyph we use for Venus in astrology resembles a hand-mirror”

    continuing “what you value is a reflection of who you are so what we love is a reflection of ourselves”. Isn’t that a lovely way of conveying one of Venus’s meanings?

    During the stay in Aries, Venus will make the following aspects:

    07 February/21 March/06 May: sextile Pluto (02’15’ Aries-Aquarius, 03°22’ Venus R Aries-Aquarius, 03°49’ Aries-Aquarius) – emotions deepen and become more intense perhaps you’ll “fight” for love!

    01-02 March: Venus stations retrograde 10°50’ Aries.

    27 March: Venus re-enters Pisces.

    27 March/02 May: conjunct Neptune (29°53’ R Pisces and 01°08’ Aries) – creatively active?

    06 April/21-22 May: trine Mars (25°29 R Pisces-Cancer, 15°59’ Aries-Leo) – a chance to assert yourself in a loving way…..

    06-07 April/24-25 April: conjunct Saturn (25°15 R e 27°13’ Pisces) – but in a moderate manner!

    08 April/20 April: sextile Uranus (25°05’ R, 25°45’ Pisces-Taurus) – you need to break free from your dreamy comfort zone and this may be the right time to do that.

    13 April: Venus stations direct 24°37’ Pisces.

    30 April: Venus enters Aries

    04-05 June: sextile Jupiter (28°55’ Aries-Gemini) – accept that offer to go out and socialise.

    05-06 June: Venus enters Taurus

    The Sabian symbol for 11° Aries: “The ruler of a nation.” Indicating the power resulting from the formal integration of the collective desire for order.

    For the antiscion at 20° Virgo: “A caravan of cars headed to the west coast.” Indicating the need of cooperative effort in reaching any “New World” of experience.

    “It’s hard to feel desire when you don’t feel desirable” Christine Feehan, Safe Harbor


    McEvers J., (1989), Planets, ‘Venus’, p. 129, Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, MN, USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp. 57 and 163 Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA








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