• ….the soul-searching is over, time to transform and break free!

    On the 30th September Pluto will station direct at 18°45’ Capricorn after just over 5 months of being retrograde. This station will involve those with planets/angles between 14-22° of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

    Pluto is concerned with power, regeneration, survival, transformation, sex, obsession and possessiveness. Pluto is the god of the Underworld. Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) is concerned with the deep-reaching transformation of social order, laws and hierarchies. He often works subtly (in our psyche) but always relentlessly and he can be an over-achiever, by using his power and persuasion for his own means, in this Saturn-ruled sign.

    During the Pluto retrograde period, matters that were previously too painful to face may have bubbled up from our unconsciousness and we may have met these in the physical realm where we were forced to deal with them. Pluto only forces us to confront and transform that which is in dire need of change. This period may also have provided us with the opportunity to find some of the latent sources of power inside ourselves allowing us to harness them in an appropriate way.

    Pluto shows us the reality of our limitations and even more so since it moved into Capricorn in 2008. The retrograde period has really been a huge invitation to become more fully aware of the resources we hide in our inner depths. Failure to do this could have led to external events that may have puzzled and/or distressed us as we took on the role of victim.

    The Sabian symbol for 19° Capricorn: “A five-year old child carries a bag filled with groceries.” Indicating rising to the occasion when asked to assume social responsibilities ahead of one’s normal development.

    For its antiscion point at 12° Sagittarius: “A flag turns into an eagle, the eagle into a chanticleer saluting the dawn.” Indicating the spiritualisation and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations.

    “-The Long Goodbye, 1953

    There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself.” Raymond Chandler

     What was your experience of the retrograde period?

    Did it touch any of your personal planets?



    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp  216, 240-1, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Image: artwork by myskypie.2018



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