• New Moon in CapricornOOB NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN

    How much longer must we cling to the past?

    The OOB New Moon at 09°44’ Capricorn (antiscion 20°26’ Sagittarius) is the 2nd of a series of 5 on this degree of the relative consecutive signs. This is the last New Moon of 2024.

    The lunation chart is rather interesting for its paucity of longitudinal aspects. The New Moon in fact stands alone, without aspects to the other planets. The King and the Queen of the chart (or the leaders and the people) together, on-lookers at the state of the world. Maybe it’s a WTH moment, wondering what’s happened or what’s actually going on. Moon is OOB, Sun is //Pluto – using power to rule the unruly – not a happy situation.

    Dispositor of the New Moon is Saturn, in Pisces, under an applying square from Jupiter R in Gemini. Jupiter is in detriment and enjoys slight dignity by term, Saturn is peregrine and ruled by Jupiter, the restless wanderer who will take the lead in any action at play, a long-term vision (possibly obtained through brute force) is at odds with the short-term goal. I doubt if anything substantial will be achieved from their interaction.

    The real action is between Mars R in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius, an applying opposition with both planets making easy transits to the North Node and Pluto itself on the degree of the nodes making it a very important player. Is a path of destruction the only way to the future? Take note that Mars is exalted in Capricorn, the sign of the New Moon.

    Venus is also separating from a square to Uranus R, is a monetary shake-up on the cards too in the days prior to the New Moon?

    Three of the major players in this lunation chart are still retrograde (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus) will that allow a time for re-thinking or will it add to the chaos of not knowing which way to turn?

    The chart itself is balanced as far as the Elements are concerned but is a little lacking in the Cardinal modality, will there be enough inertia to move us forward?

    Author Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” describes this as the “Forgotten one’s Moon”. Likening this New Moon to the child who no-one notices. On this New Moon he posits that we should remember our early experiences of being “left out” and the feelings and fantasies that we used to carry around with us during that painful period. We now have the opportunity to re-examine those ambitions of ours that may have been stunted or set aside because of this early trauma. Therefore, according to him, this is an excellent time to sort out those areas in our life where we lose our power and what steps we might be able to take to change our status here.

    The Sabian symbol for the New Moon at 10° Capricorn “An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor.” Indicating the overcoming of fear and its rewards.

    For the antiscion at 21° Sagittarius: “A child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses.” Indicating the use of imagination and make-believe in anticipating higher stages of development.

    “What is the biggest tragedy you wouldn’t be conscious of? Letting life pass you by. Living like a starfish, clinging to your one unchanging colourless rock.” – Julia Glass



    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 225-232, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 223, 235, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Artwork: myskypie2024






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