• forest_dryad_by_kituneart-d8cd7pw….be honest….create firm foundations

    It’s time to set your intentions for the New Moon at 16°41 Taurus that will occur on the 6th of May. The Moon is exalted in this Venus-ruled, Fixed Earth sign.

    It is the 3rd in a row of super New Moons, a time when the Moon is at its nearest orbit to our planet, so expect emotional ebbs and flows to be intensified together with tides and earth movements.

    The New Moon falls on the 2-8th axis of the traditional zodiac (Taurus-Scorpio) which involves matters such as security vs temptation, calm vs crisis, sex vs taboos etc. It is significant for those who have planets or angles between 15-18° of Taurus or Scorpio.

    So part of our intentions for this moment might involve building things (projects, relationships or whatever) to last by creating stability in that part of our lives illuminated by this New Moon. To do this we need to listen to our body and follow our heart.

    Author Raven Kaldera, in his book “Moon Phase Astrology”, calls this New Moon the “Dryads Moon”, the Dryads are the quiet, shy spirits of the trees, and he states that “this Moon phase in the earthiest of the astrological signs comes forth in a form that is as close to Nature that a human can possibly be”. He suggests that on this day we should steep ourselves in Nature by going for a walk or just sitting in the garden or park when possible.

    The Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury (r) are all now in the sign of Taurus suggesting that we should live in accordance with our deepest values. We might ask ourselves who is worthy of our time and energy and what traits do we really value in our own selves?

    The New Moon together with the Sun and Mercury (r) form a Grand Earth Trine with Pluto (r)(Capricorn) and Jupiter (r) (Virgo) making our security issues and sense of worth a paramount concern. Jupiter in Virgo supports our attentiveness and judgement whilst Pluto in Capricorn recognizes our true ambitions and responsibilities.

    The Sabian symbol for 17° Taurus: “A symbolic battle between “Swords” and “Torches”. Indicating the courage needed to meet the crises precipitated by social ambition”.

    “If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.”  Virginia Woolf

    What intentions are you intending to set for this New Moon? And what do you value in yourself?

     Image: Forest Dryad by Kituneart


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