….creativity, love, respect, discipline and dreams

    There will be a New Moon at 16°14’ Leo on the 8th of August (antisicion 13°46’ Taurus).

    New Moons are times when the Sun and Moon are conjoined in the same degree of the same sign and this causes the Moon to remain hidden from our view.

    It’s a moment to set intentions for the coming month regarding the matters of the house where it falls in our natal chart. New Moons can be seen as moments of “seeding”.

    The New Moon is in a separating square and antiscion to an almost stationary Uranus in Taurus and separating also from a recent opposition to Saturn R in Aquarius. Fixed T-square patterns with a Uranus apex bring a lot of self-will with them however the Fixed nature of Taurus may help calm and render less erratic the sudden unexpected nature of this volatile planet. Nonetheless, fresh experiences will certainly arrive without warning forcing us to learn and accept new values which the Sun-Moon-Saturn opposition will certainly find stressful in the days leading up to this lunation.

    Mercury, also in Leo, and about to leave combustion (within 8° of the Sun), could add creativity and insightfulness to conversations or writing skills if only we find the time to really listen to what we’re saying or re-read what we’ve written without taking ourselves or our ideas too seriously.

    With 6 planets in the Fixed sign modality we will certainly have a hard time entertaining any novelties at all during the next few days.

    The Moon in Leo finds itself on the 5-11th axis in the traditional zodiac wheel (Leo-Aquarius), so, me vs them, warm-hearted vs unemotional, artist vs scientist etc. Leo is a Fixed, Fire Sign and the New Moon will have most effect on persons with planets or angles in the Fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus.

    In his book “Moon Phase Astrology”, author Raven Kaldera describes this moon as the

    “Sun Child’s Moon”

    a creature of smiling, radiant light. The people born under this moon phase in Leo have a tremendous zest for life and love to be looked at, making people gasp and drop their jaws as they charm the pants off them!

    During the Sun Child’s Moon he invites us to concentrate on our own creativity in any endeavour we might undertake since this is a good time to shine, even if you’re not used to the limelight, or to feel special to others in some way.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 17° Leo: “A volunteer church choir singing religious hymns.” Indicating the feeling of togetherness which unites men and women in their dedication to a collective ideal.

    For the antiscion at 14° Taurus: “On the beach, children play while shellfish grope at the edge of the water.” Indicating returning to simpler joys for revitalisation.

    “I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.” Madonna


    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 37-39, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 79, 141, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA






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