• New Moon in LeoNEW MOON IN LEO

    ….creativity, love, respect, discipline and dreams

    There will be a New Moon at 12°34’ Leo (antiscion 17°26’ Taurus) on 4th of August. With all that Leo energy around (Sun-Moon-Venus all in Leo) we might feel the urge to start some new creative process to get passionate about and resort to excessive pride (another Leo characteristic) that could actually block our progress.

    Only a few hours after the New Moon, Mercury will station retrograde at 04°06’ Virgo (antiscion 25°54’ Aries). This might be a good moment to make sure you’ve got your plans right before speaking about them particularly so since Mercury is c// Saturn lending further discipline to words and thoughts.

    The New Moon is separating from a sextile to Mars and applying a sextile to Jupiter and Moon, Mars and Jupiter are all parallel by declination. We are stimulated both physically (Sun) and emotionally (Moon) to be bigger (Jupiter and Leo Sun) and better but will it all be too much as Mars moves into a conjunction with Jupiter (both planets in the mentally-exuberant and socially active sign of Gemini) or will the applying square from Jupiter to Saturn R be capable of limiting any excess energy?

    Venus is also on the anaretic degree and in a tight quincunx to Neptune (also at 29°) as well as in a separating square to Uranus. Is it time to leave behind the topsy turvy (Uranus) world of finance (Venus) or of self-promotion (Venus in Leo) and just go with the flow (Neptune) since quincunxes represent problems that need a hands-on solution and that can no longer be avoided.

    The New Moon chart is well-balanced from the Elemental point of view but there is a total lack of planets in the Cardinal Modality, getting anything to move could be enormously difficult.

    New Moons are times when the Sun and Moon are conjoined in the same degree of the same sign and this causes the Moon to remain hidden from our view.

    It’s a moment to set intentions for the coming month regarding the matters of the house where it falls in our natal chart. New Moons can be seen as moments of “seeding”.

    The Moon in Leo finds itself on the 5-11th axis in the traditional zodiac wheel (Leo-Aquarius), so, me vs them, warm-hearted vs unemotional, artist vs scientist etc. Leo is a Fixed, Fire Sign and the New Moon will have most effect on persons with planets or angles in the Fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus.

    In his book “Moon Phase Astrology”, author Raven Kaldera describes this moon as the

    “Sun Child’s Moon”

    a creature of smiling, radiant light. The people born under this moon phase in Leo have a tremendous zest for life and love to be looked at, making people gasp and drop their jaws as they charm the pants off them!

    During the Sun Child’s Moon he invites us to concentrate on our own creativity in any endeavour we might undertake since this is a good time to shine, even if you’re not used to the limelight, or to feel special to others in some way.

    This Leo New Moon will imbue us with optimism in the house in which it occurs in our natal theme bestowing a desire to be recognised and feel special in some way regarding the affairs of the house with Leo on the cusp.

    If the New Moon conjoins a planet in our natal chart then that planetary energy is awakened and energized and intentions should be related to that planet, sign and house. If we consciously choose to harness the power of the New Moon and the energy of any planet it makes an aspect to (tight orbs no more than 2°) we become capable of noteworthy new beginnings in that area of our life.

    The sign of Leo is mainly involved with creativity and Venus is also in Leo during this period reminding us that creativity flourishes in love but to use it to its full potential we must be daring and willing to face the challenge and the risk.

    The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 13° Leo: “An old sea captain rocking himself on the porch of his cottage.” Indicating the quieted mind’s reflections of crises and joys long past.

    For the antiscion point at 18° Taurus: “A woman airing an old bag through the open window of her room.” Indicating the cleansing of the ego-consciousness.

    For Mercury stationing retrograde at 05° Virgo: “A man becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual agencies.” Indicating the opening of new levels of consciousness.

    For the antiscion point of 26° Aries: “A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.” Indicating obsession by potentiality.

    On this New Moon let’s remember:

    “I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.” Madonna




    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 37-39, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp. 68, 82, 139, 153 Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Artwork: myskypie2024


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