• lado-obscuro-dos-signos“Hermits have no peer pressure” S.Wright

    On the 29th of December there will be a New Moon at 7°59’ in the sign of Capricorn.

    Capricorn is a Cardinal, Earth sign, so persons with planets or angles of the natal chart at 6-9° of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra will be particularly affected by this lunation.

    New Moons are notoriously the best moment to set fresh intentions for the month ahead and with Capricorn involved, this will be done in a very serious, responsible fashion.

    In traditional astrology Capricorn rules the 10th house so this New Moon falls on the 10th-4th house axis; public vs private, one parent vs the other parent, work vs home etc.

    According to the late Alice Bailey, a renowned English astrologer, (16th June 1880 –15th December 1949) the sign of Capricorn is represented by three stages and images: the more instinctual phase of development is represented by the crocodile, followed by a more mature phase envisaged by the mountain goat and finally the unicorn whose single horn represents the unified vision of the third eye.

    On a more modern note, author Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” describes this as the “Forgotten one’s Moon”. Likening this New Moon to the child who no-one notices. On this New Moon he posits that we should remember our early experiences of being “left out” and the feelings and fantasies that we used to carry around with us during that painful period. We now have the opportunity to re-examine those ambitions of ours that may have been stunted or set aside because of this early trauma. Therefore, according to him, this is an excellent time to sort out those areas in our life where we lose our power and what steps we might be able to take to change our status here.

    The Sun and Moon will be in close conjunction to Mercury, now retrograde, and this will help us to formulate thoughtful decisions and plans whilst the sextile to Mars and Neptune, both in Pisces, will give us the compassionate self-discipline we need to bring these plans into action.

    The Sabian symbol for 8° Capricorn: “In a Sun-lit home domesticated birds sing joyously.” Indicating the wholesome happiness which subservience to the ideals and patterns of a well-established culture brings to those who accept them unreservedly.

    What are your intentions for this New Moon?


    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 52-54, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 234, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Image: Capricorn, Lado obscuro dos signos



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