• think twice…….

    Mercury starts its retrograde period at 11°38’ Virgo and backtracks to 28° 42’ Leo where it again stops in its tracks on 4th September to station direct.

    I think that this retrograde season for Virgoans could be fairly easy. They are already used to sorting out information with regards to its usefulness and planning is part of their nature, the introspective motif of the retrograde period could thus be almost “familiar” to them. On the other hand I think this could be a rather trying period for Geminis who by nature are mentally all-over-the-place (with a tight Mars-Sun conjunction in early Gemini I’m definitely one of these people). Putting the mind to one task at a time proves hard at the best of times and more so when our ruling planet is going in the wrong direction! I’ve already had the direct-motion square to my Mars-Sun and I’ve tried to be especially careful around any type of travelling, even by bicycle, since I know how easy it is to be distracted and fall into error (and physical harm). I try to use the same rules when I’m handling kitchen utensils that could cut or burn my hands too. Wonder if I’ll have my mind on the ball enough to pass through all the three transits safe and sound? Hope so.

    The Sabian symbol for 12° Virgo is particularly apt: “After the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride.” Indicating the penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind.

    Some technical information about Mercury and its retrograde cycle from astrologer Erin Sullivan:

    “Mercury’s stations always occur when the planet is farthest from the Sun in longitude so when it appears stationary, it is either travelling toward or directly away from the Earth. When Mercury is at its greatest eastern elongation (Epimetheus) it appears as an evening star and is stationary retrograde. It is heading towards Earth in its orbit, symbolically “bringing home the knowledge of experience”. This phase demands careful consideration and retrospection.

    When Mercury is at its greatest western elongation (Prometheus) and a morning star, it stations direct, moving away from the Earth in its orbit. This phase of the cycle signals the time when risk and adventure are the prime motivating forces.

    The Epimethean phase is a time of reaping results whilst the Promethean phase is symbolized by the need to move away from introspection and experiment, often recklessly, using only inner guidelines.”

    The persons most affected by this period will obviously be Gemini and Virgo as well as the other two mutable signs of Sagittarius and Pisces and those with planets and/or angles between 9° Virgo and 27° Leo.

    As always, the usual suggestions apply: it’s a great time: for putting “re” in front of everything, planning, but waiting for the direct station, before acting. Expecting possible delays in transport of all kinds, upheavals in the planning of appointments, electronic equipment going haywire etc. Avoiding signing contracts (where possible, but again contracts are between people so it’s a retrograde season for everyone and if its “bad” for one it may be “good” for the other party).

    During its retrograde period Mercury will make the following transiting aspects:

    1st September conjunct the Solar Eclipse degree at 28°53’ Leo (it went over this degree in direct motion on 24th July and will transit over this point a third time on 7th September, these dates may activate the Eclipse effect)

    2nd September trine Uranus retrograde at 28° 09’ Leo (first pass direct on 24th August and final pass direct on 7th September).

    “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.” Henry Ford

    Got plans for this Mercury retrograde?


    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 158, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Sullivan E. (1989), “Planets, The Astrological Tools” edited by Joan McEvers, chapter on Mercury, pp. 97-99. Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, Minnesota USA








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