• Mercury in ScorpioMERCURY ENTERS SCORPIO

    the great revealer….

    A lot of secrets could come out when Mercury transits the enigmatic sign of Scorpio. Mainly because Mercury in Scorpio is a great detective, uncovering things that some or most of us would rather pull the carpet over and even more so on the 30th of October when Mercury opposes Uranus R in Taurus (25°56’) and some surprising information might leak out.

    Mercury might also go overboard in insults when and if perceiving wrong-doing and ideas and thoughts could get very fixed and obsessive too.

    On the plus side with this transit…nothing, absolutely nothing, will be taboo (conversation-wise)!

    Mercury will also make the following aspects during the stay in Scorpio:

    22 October: trine Saturn R (13°11’ Scorpio-Pisces) – taciturn perhaps but great for dealing with practical matters.

    31 October/01 November: trine Neptune R (27°30’ Scorpio-Pisces) – day-dreaming for those so inclined.

    02 November: trine Mars (29°21’ Scorpio-Cancer) – a good day to speak your mind without offending anyone.

    02 November: sextile Pluto (29°45’ Scorpio-Capricorn) – could be good for solving problems or puzzles.

    The latter two aspects also involve an opposition between Mars and Pluto, this is a very disruptive combination and with Mercury involved even by harmonic aspects it could mean problems with communications either not being fully understood or being outright shocking as well as accidents in means of travel.

    “Don’t get too deep, it leads to over thinking, and over thinking leads to problems that don’t even exist in the first place.” Jayson Engay


    Artwork: myskypie2024
