• OOB until the 10th of June, Mercury enters the nurturing sign of Cancer on the 28th of May.

    Mercury is a little out of sync in Cancer, finding some minor dignity only between 10-20° of the sign. Being a Water sign, Cancer is far too emotional for “all-in-my-head” Mercury and with the planet being OOB* for the earlier part of its stay there may mean that we have an overflow of rationality when it comes to sentiments and feelings or, our poetic vein and story-telling could reach new heights! Let’s not forget that Mercury in the myth is also the trickster and the prankster.


    Mercury will remain in Cancer until the 5th of August due to its annual retrograde cycle.

    Mercury will make the following aspects during its passage through Cancer:

    Square Mars – 6° on 8th July (Mercury R), 16° on 27th July – walk don’t run and don’t irritate others with your moodiness.

    Opposite Jupiter R – 20° on July 30th – you might not always be right…keep that in mind when talking to others.

    Opposite Saturn R – 27° on 3rd August – don’t allow a day of negative thinking to colour your whole life!

    Sextile Uranus – 8° on 5th June, 9° on 30th June (Mercury R), 10° on 22nd July – a quick grasp on our intellect could further us along well but we could also become confused by so many quick thoughts coming in at once.

    Trine Neptune – 20° on 30th July – thinking might lack discipline but it’s an excellent day for creative work.

    Opposite Pluto R – 23° on 1st August – powers of observation will be more acute but we could become obsessed by the same thoughts.


    *What does it mean for a planet to be OOB? When we cast an astrological chart we use a precise locality (birth place) on the earth and from this observation point we take note of the position of the planets in the sky at the time of birth and this enables us to calculate the angles that the planets form to the given locality. Another point of reference however is the celestial equator (which is the terrestrial equator elongated into space). When planets travel beyond 23°27’ either side of the celestial equator, be it North or South, they are referred to as “out of bounds”.

    OOB planets can also be found in birth charts and special attention should be paid to them since they are considered “stronger”.

    Artwork: myskypie2020


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