• MARS IN CANCER FROM 25TH JUNE TO 8TH AUGUST 2015 and….a task for you!!

  • Cartoon Illustration of Mythological Greek God Ares

    On June 25th Mars, the warrior, the womanizer, the risk taker, the argumentative one, the impatient, enters the sign of Cancer, the sign of emotions, the most romantic of the whole zodiac, the sensitive one. How the heck can Mars feel at home here? In fact, Cancer is the sign of fall for the planet Mars, where he least feels welcome.

    Oh, certainly, there may be some good things we can say about Mars’ stay in Cancer. He becomes imaginative and creative pursuing interests independently and ambitiously, but not directly. After all Mars is the ruler of the Cardinal sign Aries and Cancer is also a Cardinal sign but both go about taking the initiative in a very different manner. Mars could also become a very dreamy lover in the sign of romance.

    Unfortunately, however, we can say a lot more negative things about Mars in Cancer. He adds fuel to Cancer’s natural high sensitivity and moodiness becoming easily insulted and very emotional in his reactions.

    Another twist could be the passive-aggressive behaviour since Mars in Cancer is unable to express anger directly preferring to go into a bad mood, sulk or worse, accuse others by playing on their feelings of guilt and thus giving them a bad conscious.

    You could personally experience any of the above or you could meet these traits coming from someone else.

    On a slightly different take about Mars; the late and great astrologer Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson postulated that the house where Mars is to be found in the natal theme is the place where we can, if necessary, adopt a “I can do without this, if I have to” attitude since Mars is the one “who cuts out”. Have you found that applicable to your Mars placement? Are you able, if not willing, to renounce to a part of the affairs of the house where your Mars is to be found at birth?

    Now we know what to expect I’d like to propose a task to do during Mars’ stay in Cancer.

    Are any of you willing to write down and keep track of what happens to you during this period? Certainly Mars will not only be travelling through a certain house in your natal chart but he will almost certainly be making some major aspects (conjunction (sign of Cancer), opposition (sign of Capricorn), square (signs of Libra and Aries), trine (signs of Scorpio and Pisces)) to other planets and angles in your chart on his journey. Worthy of keeping an eye on, also the house cusps ruled by Mars in your chart (the signs of Aries and Scorpio). It would be interesting to see how this transit affects each of us and this is also an excellent way to better understand the workings of the planet in our real and everyday life.

    I promise that after the 8th of August I will publish the events that happened to me during this period with the relative astrological details. I can already anticipate to you that on his journey through my 9th house he will touch the following planets: Uranus (conjunction at 7°), Jupiter (square at 7°), Ascendant (trine at 7°), Moon (trine at 17°), Neptune (square at 17°) and Venus (conjunction at 19°).

    On a more general note, transiting Mars will trine transiting Neptune at 9° on 8th July, oppose transiting Pluto at 14° on 15th July and square transiting Uranus at 19° on 23rd-24th July.

    Anyone willing to join me at this one? You can send the details to my email: tropic@virgilio.it or, for the more brave, comment directly on the My Sky Pie Facebook page under this blog article which also appears there! Looking forward to reading about your experiences!


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