• Mars in AquariusMARS IN AQUARIUS 

    Mars in Aquarius…unusual, eccentric, crazy and revolutionary

    Having left the sign of its exaltation to find itself peregrine, in Aquarius we could find Mars fighting for the masses or fighting to impress since he has a strong sense of individualism and eccentricity as he pursues his goals but he also likes to start off any endeavour as part of a group. To the point that he prefers to see how much he differs from the norm rather than trying to understand how much he has in common with his peers.

    Mars is a hot, dry planet and Aquarius, being an Air sign has hot and moist quality, that’s a lot of heat for a peregrine planet.

    In this sign Mars can be really independent, sometimes unpredictable and often uncompromising as he tries to force his views and opinions on others or tries to convince himself that his is the only “right” way of seeing or doing things. These views and opinions are often great in theory but frequently lacking in practicality or he has difficulty in turning his decisions into action for some reason although he does stick to them once decided upon!

    Also, on the plus side, he’s not easily provoked in Aquarius tending towards a rather aloof behaviour. Probably the only real thing that could make him angry is any lack of personal freedom that he might perceive or any wrongs done to any group or ideal to which he is particularly attached.

    Sexually, Mars in Aquarius loves to experiment by doing things that he considers (and maybe others too!) “outside the norm” but it’s a more cerebral than carnal sexuality as he elaborates ideals and pursues his own particular sense of desire ”I want you but if you show me that you want me too then I don’t want you anymore!”

    You could experiment some or all of the above or you might meet these characteristics in other people’s behaviour.

    Still talking about Mars, but from another take, the late and great astrologer, Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson, speculated that the house where Mars is found in the natal chart is the place that, if necessary, we can adopt the attitude of “I can do without if I must” since Mars is the planet that cuts and removes often with surgical precision. Have you found this true about the Mars position in your chart? Would you be capable, although unwilling, to remove or relinquish something that has to do with the matters of the house where Mars is to be found?

    Have you ever kept track of Mars as it transits your natal chart? Obviously, it doesn’t only pass through a certain sign and house but it also makes aspects to other planets and angles on its way. For example, conjunctions (in the same sign of Aquarius), oppositions (in the sign of Leo), squares (in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio) and trines (in the signs of Libra and Gemini). Worthy of note are also the houses with Aries and Scorpio on the cusps of your natal chart as well as the natal placement of Mars in your chart.

    Mars will be making the following aspect to the outer planets during his stay in Aquarius:

    13-14 February: conjunct Pluto (00°46’) almost exact on the degree of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Grand Conjunction (00°21’) thus activating it. On the same date we have North Node ruled by Mars and the traditional ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, ruled by and sextile to Jupiter and the dispositor of Jupiter in Taurus; Venus, is parallel Mars. So, the Grand Conjunction is activated in more ways than one and last year on May 1, Pluto stationed R on the very degree of the Grand Conjunction. Mars passed over this degree on 7 March 2023 but not conjoined to Pluto as is the case now.

    So, what was going in March 2023 in the world, Russia continued to bomb Ukraine despite a third round of talks had been arranged to discuss the war.

    In May 2023, the coronation of the King and Queen in the UK, the collapse of the First Republic Bank in San Fransisco and of course the Russia-Ukraine war continued.

    This time it doesn’t look like the war activity in the Middle East or in Ukraine will be reduced, on the contrary, the climate is getting hotter and hotter.

    27 April: square Jupiter in Taurus at 10°52’ blowing on the flames of discord?

    09 March: square Uranus in Taurus at 19°51’…two stubborn signs, who will win? The rational or the practical side of eccentricity? It could be a tad unsettling either way.

     “I’ve always had a duck personality. Calm above water, feet going crazy below.” K. Flay

    Which house has Aquarius on the cusp in your natal chart and what do expect from this transit?


    google.com/search?q=7+march+2022+what+happened+in+the+world&rlz=1C1CHBF_itIT852IT852&oq=7+march+2022+what+happened+in+the+world&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB7SAQg1ODM5ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1 accessed 5 Feb 2024

    https://www.google.com/search?q=1+may+2023+what+happened+in+the+world&sca_esv=5f32bda464ccee7b&rlz=1C1CHBF_itIT852IT852&sxsrf=ACQVn0XlfYw98FRu0NvVWxbAlYBC_tY8Q%3A1707143071904&ei=n accessed 5 Feb 2024

    Goldstein-Jacobson I.M. (1961) “Here and There in Astrology”, Notebook for Mars, pp.25-34, Pasadena Lithographers, Pasadena, Cal. USA

    Artwork: myskypie2024

    Copyright: myskypie.com2024





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