• a mechanical housewife?

    After swaggering its way through Leo during the last six weeks or so Mars now enters the more modest and service-orientated sign of Virgo.

    Mars has a two-year orbit which means that it was in Virgo approximately two years ago.

    Mars in Virgo adds energy to the Virgoan characteristics. Virgo obviously loves being of help and service and Mars could take the upper hand making some of us become too helpful without that assistance actually being asked for! Mars here could also make us get easily angry over little things like the faulty functioning of mechanical or technological objects. It could also make us impatient with those who do jobs for us especially if we find fault in them for some reason. It may even be difficult to accept our own short—comings too but it’s also an excellent placement for learning how to control our anger.

    Continuing to talk about Mars, but from another take, the late and great astrologer, Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson, speculated that the house where Mars is found in the natal chart is the place that, if necessary, we can adopt the attitude of “I can do without if I must” since Mars is the planet that cuts and removes often with surgical precision. Have you found this true about the Mars position in your chart? Would you be capable, although unwilling, to remove or relinquish something that has to do with the matters of the house where Mars is to be found?

    Have you ever kept track of Mars as it transits your natal chart? Obviously it doesn’t only pass through a certain sign and house but it also makes aspects to other planets and angles on its way. For example, conjunctions (in the same sign of Virgo).oppositions (in the sign of Pisces), squares (in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini) and trines (in the signs of Taurus and Capricorn). Worthy of note are also the houses with Aries and Scorpio on the cusps.

    “You don’t get anything clean without getting something else dirty.” Cecil Baxter

    During its stay in Virgo, Mars will make the following aspects:

    16th September – conjunct Mercury at 7°, let’s use this energy to think things out without getting too assertive or quarrelsome.

    24-25th September – square retrograde Neptune at 12°, don’t let doubt and tiredness discourage you.

    1st October – trine Pluto in Capricorn at 16°, an excellent time to determine long term goals and find a stimulus for your ambitions, could also be a good time for cleaning out the basement!

    5th October – conjunct Venus at 19°, your creative urges become forefront, choose well in love and finances.

    10-11th October – square Saturn in Sagittarius at 22°, this could mean steady progress for any plans you have or feeling stuck in a rut if you don’t.

    Which house has Virgo on the cusp in your natal chart and what do expect from this transit?


    Goldstein-Jacobson I.M. (1961) “Here and There in Astrology”, Notebook for Mars, pp.25-34, Pasadena Lithographers, Pasadena, Cal. USA

    Image: Mechanical Housewife




    I just had my Mars return in 9th house Leo plus conjunct natal Moon and Pluto. Now it will cross my MC and conjure natal Saturn. I have new bosses next week just as I DID 2 years ago. It didn't work out well then but I was able to get a new job and I learned lessons on working with new leadership. With Jupiter in my sign this past year, I have received a lot of help in my 10th house endeavors.

    Hi Lady Libra, planetary cycles are great to watch, themes often repeat themselves with a new twist! Wishing you all the best in your new job!

    Interesting! Mars will oppose my ascendant (5 Pisces) and square my sun (5 Sagittarius) in the early days of the month. I need to look up the dates. Mars is in my 11th house....I've managed to do without friends for long stretches if time in the course if my 65 years.

    Yes, Linda, I've found the reasoning of "doing without" the matters concerning the house where Mars is placed true over and over again in client's charts.

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