• MARS ENTERS LEOMars in Leo

    From fighting for his tribe to fighting for his pride.

    Leo is a fixed sign and consequently Mars here wants to hold on to its position which it naturally assumes to be that of a successful leader, accepted by all. The Leonine energy flows in self-centered channels firmly convinced that it will always put its best foot forward and by using its magnetism and charm will get away with practically anything.

    Criticism tends to irritate Mars in Leo, however tensions soon blow over but certainly not before a dramatic and noisy tantrum!

    Mars makes the following aspects during its stay in Leo:

    20-21 May: opposite Pluto R (00°16’ Leo-Aquarius) – either you win, or they win.

    22-23 May: square Jupiter (01°28’ Leo-Taurus) – keep on track and don’t act recklessly even is some obstacles seemingly appear from nowhere.

    26 June: square Uranus (21°29° Leo-Taurus) – Mars-Uranus contacts always show rashness and suddenness of some kind but Uranus really is the wild card so we never know what exactly might (or might not) happen. Bear in mind however that some egos could be damaged.

    “You are a firecracker in everything you do. Celebrate yourself everyday.” Hiral Nagda


    Artwork: myskypie2023

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