• Mars enters CancerMARS ENTERS CANCER

    From Air to Water…from rational to emotional

    Mars enters Cancer on the 4th September and goes OOB from the 9th to the 17th September, when Mars is OOB we can expect the energy to be fiercer which can mean being extra courageous defending our tribe or violently angry with whoever wrongs us or ours.

    Mars will enter the sign of Leo on the 4th of November BUT on the 6th of December the planet will station retrograde and return to the sign of Cancer on the 6th of January 2025 only to leave the sign between the 17-18 April 2025! During this time Mars will be OOB from 30-31st December until 7th April 2025 remaining at the highest declination of 26°14’N between 9-15th February.

    Mars, the warrior, the womanizer, the risk taker, the argumentative one, the impatient, enters the sign of Cancer, the sign of emotions, the most romantic of the whole zodiac, the sensitive one. How the heck can Mars feel at home here? In fact, Cancer is the sign of its triplicity and fall for the planet Mars, so, sometimes he feels good other times just plain evil.

    Oh, certainly, there may be some good things we can say about Mars’ stay in Cancer. He becomes imaginative and creative pursuing interests independently and ambitiously, but not directly. After all Mars is the ruler of the Cardinal sign Aries and Cancer is also a Cardinal sign but both go about taking the initiative in a very different manner. Mars could also become a caring lover in the sign of nurturing and super-protective of his tribe.

    Unfortunately, however, we can say a lot more negative things about Mars in Cancer. He adds fuel to Cancer’s natural high sensitivity and moodiness becoming easily insulted and very emotional in his reactions.

    Another twist could be the passive-aggressive behaviour since Mars in Cancer is unable to express anger directly preferring to go into a bad mood, sulk or worse, accuse others by playing on their feelings of guilt and thus giving them a bad conscious.

    You could personally experience any of the above or you could meet these traits coming from someone else.

    On a slightly different take about Mars; the late and great astrologer Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson postulated that the house where Mars is to be found in the natal theme is the place where we can, if necessary, adopt a “I can do without this, if I have to” attitude since Mars is the one “who cuts out”. Have you found that applicable to your Mars placement? Are you able, if not willing, to renounce to a part of the affairs of the house where your Mars is to be found at birth?

    For the first stay in Cancer, Mars will make the following aspects:

    29-30 September: trine Saturn R (14° Cancer-Pisces): steady progress

    05-06 October: square Mercury (17° Cancer-Libra): short tempers abound

    08 October: trine Venus (18° Cancer-Scorpio): stimulating – in many ways!

    24-25 October: sextile Uranus R (26° Cancer-Taurus) – patience may have a short string today

    28 October: trine Neptune R (27° Cancer-Pisces) – scattered energy and tiredness could be the theme of the day

    03 November: opposite retrograde Pluto (29° Cancer-Capricorn) – tempers could flare and the atmosphere could get explosive quickly…keep on your toes and don’t provoke.

    “We boil at different degrees.” Clint Eastwood



    Goldstein-Jacobson I.M. (1961) “Here and There in Astrology”, Notebook for Mars, pp.25-34, Pasadena Lithographers, Pasadena, Cal. USA

    Artwork: myskypie2024


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