After its annual 5-month retrograde period Jupiter will station direct on the 03-04 February 2025 at 11°16’ Gemini (antiscion 18°44’ Cancer).
Jupiter in Gemini enjoys Ptolemaic dignity by term between 7-13.59° and by face in the first ten degrees of the sign but it is also in detriment for the whole length of its stay there. So, it’s not a particularly well-functioning planet in this sign but it is also a hot, moist masculine planet and Gemini, being an Air sign, is also hot, moist and masculine so it does have accidental dignity to help it along.
Being principally associated with optimism and abundance Jupiter in chatty Gemini suggests someone who loves to network, is very chatty and knowledgeable – probably only in superficial way because Gemini doesn’t really have the steadfastness to delve too deeply into any subject but they are fantastic conversationalists since their innate curiosity makes them a real goldmine of knowledge (and gossip). It is also a good placement for writers, tourist guides, politicians, and religious leaders but Jupiter could increase the mental fidgetiness so common to Gemini and lead to being scatterbrained and spreading oneself too thinly.
During the last four months we have had an opportunity to get back in touch with our inner self as a cautious optimism about future events gradually invaded us, more at an interior level rather than an exterior one since on the outside we may have seemed to have lost our usual joviality and might appear subdued. The house where retrograde Jupiter transited can suggest where we may find our inner sense of contentment even though outside events may not support this entirely.
As I already noted in my “Jupiter stations retrograde” article last October:
A chart to watch might be that of Mr T in the USA. Jupiter in Gemini heavily aspects his natal chart placements: with natal Uranus, North Node and Sun in Gemini 10th house, opposing Moon and South Node in Sagittarius in 4th house and with both natal Jupiter and Neptune in Libra (trine from Gemini) he will have many houses in his chart affected by the Jupiter transit perhaps making his decision-making sloppy but it will also give him a huge uplift and confidence boost particularly so since natal Jupiter (in Libra and in the Aquarius decan) is stationing direct in his natal chart and therefore has extra impact on the chart as a whole. Natal Jupiter is in his 2nd house of finances and self-esteem and rules his 5th of achievements, creativity and honours received, his 8th of joint finances as well as legacies, taxes etc. and is exalted in Cancer which is intercepted in his 11th of friendships, associations, hopes and wishes etc. His natal Jupiter is also in an exact trine aspect to natal Uranus (and his natal Jupiter is in the Aquarius decan, paving the way (when transiting planets activate the aspect) for out of the box thinking and acting in order to shock, it’s also a good aspect for gamblers and good luck in general. Thus, Mr T is person who has luck on his side and is seemingly unstoppable. In fact, for the next almost three years with Jupiter’s subsequent entry in Cancer (intercepted in his 11th house) there will be conjunctions with natal Mercury, Saturn and Venus (in antiscion to his Gemini placements just as his Gemini placements have their antiscion in Cancer) and then in Leo also ruling his Ascendant where Jupiter conjoins his natal Pluto and Mars (in his 12th house) and is in sextile aspect to his Gemini planets.
Of course, Jupiter isn’t the only transiting planet making aspects to his chart over the next 3 years. He also has the more sobering Saturn who still yet to make a square aspect from the sign of Pisces to his Gemini Uranus-NN-Sun, and once Saturn arrives in Aries it will make a square aspect to his Mercury, Saturn and Venus. Transiting Uranus is also presently conjoined his Midheaven where it will create disruption and surprises to his public status, continuing to stoke up 10th house as it enters Gemini for a short period in July this year before permanently entering the sign in April 2026.
Other natal chart factors have not been considered in the above text and of course the whole natal chart should be considered in any precise analysis.
The Sabian symbol for 12° Gemini: “A negro girl, fights for her independence in the city.” Indicating liberation from the ghosts of the past.
For the antiscion point at 19° Cancer: “A priest performing a marriage ceremony.” Indicating the ritualisation of productive interpersonal relationships.
“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” Herm Albright
Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. Pp. 97 and 123 Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA