• peter-paul-rubensGenerosity, responsibility and a bit of quirkiness over the Christmas period….

    On the 25-26th December the planet Jupiter meets up with two of the “big boys” (more for importance than for size).

    The first to open the dances will be a trine from Saturn in Sagittarius to Uranus retrograde (and almost stationary) in Aries at 20°33’. Inviting us to combine the traditional with the unconventional (eccentric party hats anyone?). This aspect might also prompt us to make choices and expectations more responsibly whilst planning our own individual form of “rebellion”, the sextile from Jupiter to Saturn on the same day will also add enthusiasm to our choices particularly regarding relationships.

    Some hours later on the 26th, Jupiter, in Libra since September, will slide into an exact opposition to Uranus retrograde in Aries (still at 20°33’) perhaps warning us to not go overboard if we realize that someone has been taking advantage of our generosity (get a grip on your Saturn here if this is the case). The aspect could also highlight our desire for freedom and our need to be treated justly in all our relationships (whatever that might mean for us personally).

    Then, on December 28th, Uranus will station direct, ending its 5-month annual retrograde period, during which time there may have been a gleaning of new insights that might have helped you reform certain attitudes and patterns of which you were previously unaware enabling you to transition them without too much upset or confusion. Now we can again expect the unexpected in the house where Uranus is transiting in your natal chart and that could be fun too.

    The Sabian symbols:

    Jupiter at 21° Libra: “A Sunday crowd enjoying the beach.” Indicating a revivifying contact with the Mother-force of nature and social togetherness.

    Saturn at 21° Sagittarius: “A child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses.” Indicating the use of imagination and make-believe in anticipating higher senses of development.

    Uranus at 21° Aries: “A pugilist enters the ring.” Indicating the release and glorification of social aggressiveness.

    Fire (Sagittarius, Aries and Leo) and Cardinal (Libra, Capricorn and Aries) signs are highlighted in these aspects so those with planets and/or angles between 18-24° of these signs will be most involved.

    You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen. Paulo Coelho

    How did the Uranus retrograde period go for you…care to share your story?


    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 185, 222, 65, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Image: The House of Satan by Peter Paul Rubens



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