Don’t get too wrapped up in the details…
This Full Moon will occur at 19°37’ Virgo (antiscion 10°23’ Aries).
Moon’s dispositor Mercury is stationing direct in the ultra-rational Air sign of Aquarius on this very day and only a few hours after the Full Moon event.
The Moon itself, alone in detail-oriented Virgo is supported by the stellium of planets in Capricorn (Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn) which should be able to put tangibility, reason, energy and a certainty of sorts to this Earthy Moon as it leaves the opposition with foggy Neptune in Pisces which could have deranged a little the practical intentions and plans of the Moon.
Sun is also still in a close but separating conjunction to Neptune as well as being still in orb of a sextile to Mars (separating) and Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn (applying). Again, the opportunity for stability and respect after quivering in uncertainty.
Worthy of note during this lunation is Venus closely conjunct but separating from a “full of surprises” Uranus whilst being on the same degree as the nodal axis (5°). This according to some astrologers (Pat Geisler to name one) gives a fated quality (for good or bad) to the planet involved (in this case Venus). So perhaps relationships and finances will be high on the list of priorities for some during this Full Moon.
Also worth a mention the fact that there are no planets in the Fire element in this chart. Lack of Fire often shows up as lack of drive and low vitality tending towards the pessimistic side and no wonder since the “vital” energy planets are all traditionally ruled by Fire signs (Sun-Leo, Mars-Aries, Jupiter-Sagittarius).
Full Moons are also known to be times when things climax, when we decide that enough is enough for certain aspects of our life because we avert an intensified conflict between two major areas of our life and we need to find a way to honour both. They shine a light on the area that is “hidden” and in this case, in traditional astrology, all matters concerning the 6th house and the sign of Virgo. This is certainly more evident when the Full Moon closely aspects any personal planets or angles in your chart (2-4° of the mutable signs: Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini), it also depends on the houses involved in your individual chart.
The house axis in traditional astrology which is involved in this Full Moon is the 6th – 12th one, Virgo-Pisces; intellect vs intuition, effort vs surrender, judgement vs compassion etc.
Virgo and the 6th house respect the physical body and thus fitness regimes and diet which are involved in the healthy functioning of our bodies. Its shadow side however tends to treat the body as a slave, pushing it to its physical limits until injury or illness force us to pay attention. Virgo is very discriminating and delights in helping people, its shadow part tends to judge and falls into servitude by keeping itself over-occupied in the hope of escaping feelings of powerlessness and loneliness.
This Full Moon could thus be a good moment to step-up the ways that aid our emotional well-being.
In his book “Moon Phase Astrology”, author Raven Kaldera calls this Virgo Moon phase the
“Spinner’s Moon”
he or she who spins the thread of life for each and every one of us. On this Full Moon he suggests that we count our web of obligations, whom we owe, who owes us and how we feel about these obligations. And, moreover, who will be there to catch us should we fall? For him, this is also a good time to render service to others in a selfless way.
The Sabian symbol for 20° Virgo: “A caravan of cars headed to the West coast.” Indicating the need of cooperative effort in reaching any “New World” experience.
For 11° Aries: “The ruler of a nation.” Indicating the power resulting from the formal integration of the collective desire for order.
“There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept” Ansel Adams
Geisler P. (2013) “The Plain Vanilla Astrologer”, ‘Chapter 17, A tale of the dragon – The Moon’s Nodes’, p. 101, ACS Publications, Epping NH03042, USA
Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 207-209, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA
Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp 57, 163, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA
Artwork: myskypie2020
Copyright: myskypie2020