• …a little drama or a lot of excitement?

    Occurring at 20°00’ Leo (antiscion 10°00’ Taurus), this Full Moon affects the Aquarius-Leo axis or the 11th-5th houses in traditional astrology. Leo wants recognition as an individual…”look at me, watch me” whilst Aquarius wants teamwork…”let’s do this together”. We need to tune our individuality to the mood of the group in order to work compatibly together whilst not overlooking our own unique talents.

    Moon’s dispositor is Sun and Sun’s dispositors are Saturn (traditionally) and Uranus (given co-rulership of Aquarius by modern astrologers). Saturn is moving away from the conjunction with Pluto but still well within orb. Uranus is not making aspects to any of the planets at the moment.

    Moon is applying a trine to a newly OOB Mars in Sagittarius, both planets are in the Fire element and Mars will very likely boost Moon’s natural enthusiasm (Leo) perhaps in an overstated manner with it being out-of-bounds, instilling a more future-oriented approach to life where action and excitement may be exaggerated (Sagittarius).

    Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this Full Moon in Leo

    the “Queen’s Moon”

    a time, according to the author, “when we take charge of a situation or, failing this, pay homage to a woman who is in a prominent position”.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 20°00’ Leo: “Zuni Indians perform a ritual to the Sun.” Indicating a return to the glorification of natural energies.

    For the Sun at 20°00’ Aquarius: “A large white dove bearing a message.” Indicating the answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious individual efforts.

    “Don’t let someone dim your light simply because it’s shining in their eyes.” Karen Salmansohn


    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 204-206, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp. 143 and 261, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Artwork: myskypie2020



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