…a little drama or a lot of excitement?
Occurring at 24°06’ Leo (antiscion 05°54’ Taurus), this Full Moon affects the Aquarius-Leo axis or the 11th-5th houses in traditional astrology. Leo wants recognition as an individual…”look at me, watch me” whilst Aquarius wants teamwork…”let’s do this together”. We need to tune our individuality to the mood of the group in order to work compatibly together whilst not overlooking our own unique talents.
Moon’s dispositor is Sun and Sun’s dispositors are Saturn (traditional) and Uranus (given co-rulership of Aquarius by modern astrologers). Retrograde, in fall and OOB Mars is moving away from a trine aspect to Saturn, perhaps some progress has been made towards whatever goal we had set ourselves but maybe not in the direction nor with the result that we anticipated. Uranus is the apex of a Fixed T-Square with the Moon-Sun conjunct Mercury opposition, although it is a separating aspect. This could indicate a social awakening of some kind, but it could manifest in a too explosive manner causing problems that are hard to control. Being in the Fixed modality indicates that both people and leaders have a will of their own and these wills may not coincide as the Moon-Sun conjunct Mercury opposition so eloquently illustrates. We may need to change our values (Taurus), opinions and plans (Mercury) radically and very swiftly (Uranus). Neither of the lights are strong, Moon is peregrine in Leo and Sun is in detriment in Aquarius, people are without a real guidance and leaders are out of synch with their true self or maybe too much in touch with their real self in some cases!
There is a heavy Air, Fixed signature to the lunation chart: we can see future scenarios (Air) but we have great difficulty acting upon them (Fixed modality).
Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this Full Moon in Leo
the “Queen’s Moon”
a time, according to the author, “when we take charge of a situation or, failing this, pay homage to a woman who is in a prominent position”.
The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 25° Leo: “A large camel is seen crossing a vast and forbidding desert.” Indicating self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure.
For the Moon’s antiscion at 06° Taurus: “Cantilever bridge across a deep gorge.” Indicating the conquest of separateness through group cooperation.
For the Sun at 25° Aquarius: “A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.” Indicating the capacity to develop the rational and fully conscious aspect of the mind ahead of normal evolution.
“If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 146-206, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA
Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp. 74, 143 and 264 Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA
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