• Full Moon in GeminiFULL MOON IN GEMINI

    …focus is what we need

    There will be a Full Moon at 23°53’ Gemini on the 15th of December (antiscion 06°07’ Cancer) only eleven hours before Mercury in Sagittarius stations direct, thus in opposition by sign (not degree) to the Full Moon and in Mutual Reception by dignity (each in one another’s sign) as well as being in opposition to Jupiter R (by degree) which is presently transiting the sign of Gemini. As we all know, full moons are when matters that have been simmering under the surface emerge to be dealt with. This lunation occurs on the 3rd-9th house axis (Gemini-Sagittarius) in traditional astrology; how I think vs how they think, short trips vs long journeys, reason vs intuition etc. Both signs are concerned with gathering and spreading knowledge as well as education and travel.

    This is a restless, mentally active Full Moon, the last plenilune of this year, it’s great for multi-tasking but its dispositor Mercury is ill-fitted in Sagittarius and it is also stationing before turning direct giving it more stance than its condition of detriment in Sagittarius would actually allow for.

    Perhaps confusion will reign as we struggle to make sense of things. Particularly since the Full Moon forms a Mutable T-square with Neptune as apex. Head and heart need to compromise but it’s difficult since the direction to take is very unclear and with Sun quincunx Uranus R and //Pluto, haste and irresponsibility in any actions taken to solve problems could lead to disaster. Moon too could be unpredictable since it is OOB and // the unfortunate Fixed Star Scheat.

    Jupiter, dispositor of the Sun and Mercury, is retrograde and in the sign of its fall, although it does have some dignity by term but this is probably not enough to be of help to either the Sun or Mercury (despite a Mutual Reception between Mercury and Jupiter). The applying trine from Venus to Jupiter R might imbue some optimism were it not for the applying square between Jupiter R and Saturn which puts the damper on matters. Mercury however is part of a Grand Fire trine with Mars R and North Lunar Node, lots of loudmouthing about a “future” that could result disastrous since the GT is set-off by Mars in a Fire sign opposing Pluto in an Air sign and this could kindle the Fire elements making them totally uncontrollable.

    Furthermore, Mars R//Jupiter R, fighting for ideals or an excess of energy, Mercury//Uranus R freedom of thought or eccentric plans.

    There is a lack of Earth element and Cardinal modality in the lunation chart; a lack of practicality and avoidance of real life may be noticeable in decision-making.

    The lunation will most affect those with planets or angles in Gemini and Sagittarius between 20-25°.

    So, this Full Moon highlights the connection between our beliefs and ideals and real life and brings up questions such as “What part am I playing in my life?”, “Which archetypes am I manifesting?”, “How much control do I have over these matters?”.

    Author Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this Full Moon in Gemini “The Storyteller’s Moon”.  He writes that this is an excellent time to enjoy a good book or movie, to sit around with friends confiding your life story or to start a diary where you jot down your most intimate and heartfelt truths about yourself.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 24° Gemini: “Children skating over a frozen village pond.” Indicating the use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment.

    For the antiscion at 07° Cancer: “Two nature spirits dancing under the moonlight.” Indicating the play of invisible forces in all manifestations of life.

    “jack of all trades/master of none/but once you learn/how to juggle/you rarely drop the ball”

    ― Kristin Michelle Elizabeth, This Will Set Me Free




    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 102-116, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp 105-114, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Artwork: myskypie2024
