The transiting nodes are reality checks on our soul path…
On January 11-12th, the Lunar Nodes will enter the Pisces/Virgo axis after having been in the Aries/Libra polarity since July 2023. So, the modality will change from Cardinal (Fire-Air) to Mutable (Water-Earth). With the North Node transiting the sign of Pisces this could be a good moment to relax and just go with the flow (in the area of your chart affected by the transit). In short: remember that it may be difficult to let go (South Node in Virgo) but you need to dive into uncharted waters and not make judgement calls on anyone.
In the house where the North Node will be transiting in your chart you will be able to note the area of opportunity where rewards and happiness can be found, likewise in the Virgo area of your chart you may note vulnerability or sacrifice as you work through issues there.
The nodes progress approximately 3’ of arc each day and are normally in retrograde motion with various stationary and direct periods. The nodes regress backwards along the ecliptic and employ 18.6 years to complete a full orbit spending about 18 months in each sign.
The last time the transiting nodes were on the Pisces-Virgo axis was between November 2015 and July 2016 when the North Node was in Virgo and the South Node in Pisces. We have to go back to June 2006-December 2007 to find the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo.
What was happening in your life during those periods?
North Node ruler Jupiter is still retrograde in Gemini, a sign which is in a square aspect to Pisces. Perhaps going forward and claiming the gifts of the North Node may be difficult until June when Jupiter enters the sign of Cancer making a more easy-going trine aspect to the transiting nodes. Mercury, ruler of South Node has yet to enter Pisces (14th February) and conjoin the transiting North Node before entering Aries and going retrograde. Mercury is in fall and detriment in Pisces making both rulers of the nodes ineffective at the start of the nodal transit.
The Moon’s nodes, also known as the Dragon’s Head (North node) and the Dragon’s Tail (South node), are the points of intersection where the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun crosses the Moon’s plane of orbit around the Earth. Since the orbit of the Moon has an inclination of 5° 09’ to the plane of the ecliptic, there are thus two nodes in the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.
Some modern astrologers describe the nodal axis as the “Axis of Fate” with the retrograde motion suggesting that present day happenings have their roots in the past, The North node represents the future and therefore we require some courage to enter unknown territory whilst the South node represents the past and the things we feel comfortable with. North node traits (our mission if you like) are to be cultivated and developed throughout our lifetime and events and opportunities that we meet during our existence push us (more or less gently) towards these qualities (the transiting nodal contacts to planets or angles in our birth chart). To learn about this mission you must first identify the position of the nodes in your natal chart. Nodal qualities are investigated by looking at the sign and house they occupy in your chart1.
Astrologer Pat Geisler (author of The Plain Vanilla Astrologer) ascribes to the nodes, among other things: “the nodes can indicate fame, recognition, success and opportunity as well as disgrace and public humiliation.” Talking about nodal contacts in relationships she adds “the nodes are particularly responsible for the ‘knots and ties’ of relationships. All enduring relationships have strong nodal ties from one chart to the other.”
In the natal chart the North Node in contact with any planet (energy) shows the area (house) where growth and beneficial future developments may occur. South Node/planet contacts indicate that the individual is anchored to the past in that area (house) and energy (planet). In short: the North Node sees the exciting possibilities and the South Node understands the responsibility of change.
The transiting nodes highlight the matters of the house axis that they are moving through and take on the flavour of any planet or angle they come into contact with but they work as a pair, one is open to the future, the other harnessed to the past. Particularly important are their contacts with the ASC/DSC and MC/IC which can indicate life-changing events for you and these may occur on many levels, physical, emotional and spiritual.
So which area of your chart is now highlighted by the transit of the nodes? Where do you want to improve and where are you bogged down?
1 For further reading about the nodes I suggest Celeste Teal’s book “The Lunar Nodes”, Llewellyn publications, Woodbury, MN, USA
Geisler P. (2013) “The Plain Vanilla Astrologer”, chapter 17, “The Moon’s Nodes” pp 99-104, ACS publications, Epping, NH, USA
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